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The teens did more research, finding out that C. Berman had died before she survived. Her heart stopped but a boy had performed CPR on her, which helped her survive.

So as normal, they started coming up with a plan. Simon had been through a similar situation and told them the story of how his brother over dosed but they brought him back with Epipens. It was a lot to take in, but he informed them that there was a pharmacy at the grocery store he worked at and they could proceed the plan with Sam so she could temporarily die, then they'd bring her back.

So that's exactly where they were heading, to the grocery store. But along with the plan, they had to be marked with Sam's blood to give the girl time to swallow the set of pills to overdose. They had to lead Ruby, Skull Mask, and Nightwing around the grocery store away from Sam so she could swallow the pills in time.

Sydney wasn't a big fan of leading the killers on and letting them chase after them, but she was willing to do it if everyone stayed alive.

Now that they were at the grocery store, they all stood in front of the counter as Simon came back with a bunch of pill prescriptions. He explained the story with more detail as they listened closely.

"You need to take these in order. Pile one, takes the edge off. You're gonna feel like you're being fucked by a unicorn" Simon explained as they all payed close attention. "Gross." Sydney said under her breath, holding back a laugh.

"Pile two is gonna bring your core temp way down. You may feel slightly sick. You need to take a five-minute interval between pile two and pile three. That's really important, okay? Pile three brings you down and out, so you gotta take that "take five" or it's all gonna go to shit!" Simone explained to Sam. "How many do we have?" Kate asked. "Tons. Like a thousand." Simon said while holding the Epipens. "Wait. Epipens?" Deena asked confused. "Epinephrine, also know as adrenaline. This is what being her back. This is Jesus!" Simon said. If this situation wasn't serious Sydney would have laughed her ass off at the boy.

After going over the plan one more time they all got ready. Using Sam's blood to draw an 'X' on their chest. Sydney stood next to Josh, playing with her fingers as Deena hugged the boy and whilst exchanging a few words.

"Syd..." Deena said and the girl looked up at Deena to see her holding her arms out. Sydney smiled softly as she went to Deena, hugging her tightly. "I'm sorry for what I said in the class. I was just mad and scared. I didn't mean it, Dee." Sydney said and the pulled away. "It's okay. I'm sorry too. Be safe, alright?" Deena said as she pushed the girl's curls out of her face and the Sydney nodded. "You be safe too." She said as they started to split up.

Kate called out for Josh, everyone watched as Kate quickly kissed him, pulling away after a few seconds. Sydney smiled widely while watching her best friend's reaction. Soon they were separating and the boys were going to the back and Kate was going up front with Sydney.

After a while, Kate and Sydney started looking around the store, Kate threw things in the cart she held as Sydney looked around. As Kate dropped hairspray into the cart Sydney quickly grabbed the girls arm. "Did you hear that?" Sydney whispered, Kate furrowed her eyebrows, shaking her head as they begin to slowly turn around to identify where the noise was coming from.

They started slowly walking down the aisle. Kate placed the cart down, grabbing the hairspray and lighter as Sydney walked behind her, making sure to watch Kate and her own back.

They started to reach where Deena and Sam were. Sydney skin ran cold seeing Skull Mask run up to Deena with his knife up high, ready to strike. Before he could strike Kate started up the lighter, spraying the hairspray making a waft of fire go onto Skull Mask face. "Go! Go! Go!" Kate yelled to Sam and Deena.

Kate and Sydney then ran, holding hands tightly. They hid behind the counter at the bakery section of the grocery store. Their hearts were beating quickly due to running and fear. Kate peaked through the glass, seeing as Skull Mask looked around for the two girls. Kate quickly went back against the wall quietly. She squeezed Sydney's hand before peaking again.

Kate couldn't see anyone, so they were in the clear. Kate leaned back and looked over at Sydney. "H-he's gone." Kate whispered as quietly as she could. Before Sydney could reply her hair was pulled, bringing her whole body up. The girl let out the loudest scream she could, it was out of shock and fear.

She watched as the knife came down, but her reflexes helped, her arm quickly stopped it. He pulled back again, Sydney screamed, preparing to feel the knife puncture down into her heart, but it didn't. Kate had raised the cupcake pan over the girls chest. Sydney reached for the other one, quickly hitting the killer on his head as hard as she could, making him let her hair go. She then fell down onto the bread slicing machine, hitting the on switch,
making it turn on.

Skull Mask hopped over the counter while Kate pulled the girl up quickly. Without a warning, Kate's face was pushed into the fresh cake, her face was now covered in icing, she could barely see. Which was an advantage for Skull Mask, so he turned the girl around, and stabbed her in the stomach.

Sydney grabbed another knife that was placed on the counter, quickly grabbing it and stabbing Skull Mask in the back. He pulled his knife out of Kate's stomach as he stumbled back.

Sydney ran to the other side of the bakery, looking for something else to protect herself with, or hurt this killer in any way. Kate was screaming, it sound distorted and it was unsteady like vibrations. Sydney looked back from her panic search to see Skull Mask holding Kate by her neck, whilst forcing her head towards the bread slicer.

Sydney quickly grabbed the heavy pot, throwing as hard as she could towards the killer head. Luckily, she didn't miss and Skull Mask released his hands and stumbled to the floor. With that, she rushed over to Kate, pulling the girl up. Sydney quickly turned off the machine, her head snapping towards the loud foot steps.

She looked over to see Josh and Simon. Before she could call for them to help, everything went in slow motion as she saw Nightwing running from the back of the aisle towards Simon.

"Josh! Help Kate!" The girl yelled as she jumped over the counter running towards Simon. "Simon!" She yelled as she quickly tackled him onto the floor, the second she felt like a hero, was also the second she felt the most pain she's ever felt once axe entered her back and exited within seconds.

"Holy shit!" Simon yelled as he quickly pulled her up and they started to run. Sydney screamed as the pain got worse. Simon knew this place like the back of his hand, so he quickly got to the employees bathroom, and locked the door behind them. Sydney fell to the floor as she cried softly, hearing as Nightwing slammed his axe against the metal door, trying to get in. "S-Sydney, he's not gonna get in, it's a metal door. I-I don't know what to do...please don't close your eyes." Simon panicked. "Take...fuck...take Sam's blood off your chest...that's what he wants. He'll stop if its not on you." Sydney groaned in between her sentence. "W-with soap." She added. Simon nodded as he stood up, pushing the soap dispenser, soap now on his hand. He rubbed it over his chest, quickly running hot water as he rubbed the blood off.

Sydney leaned up and pulled off the lost and found shirt that was marked with Sam's blood.

The girl leaned back down the ground, her eyes closing slowly. "Syd-" Simon froze as he saw the puddle of blood and her eyes were closed. He rushed down to her side, holding her face. "Sydney, wake up. Don't die on me, please." He said as he slightly tapped the side of her face.

The boy didn't even notice that the pounding of the axe had stopped. He was now worried about the girl passed out in his arms with a puddle of blood under her.

edited: yes

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