My Binding Wheels

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My life has slowly passed away, 

As i watch it fade away every single day. 

Some days i open my eyes unable to get out of bed, 

My body aches with every move i attempt to make, 

My body aches with every touch and brush against my skin. 

I wish of many things in life, 

Being healthy is a wish i always do. 

I've watched my friends all live their lives, 

While me? We'll I'm stick stuck inside. 

Wheelchair, crutches or no aid some days i'm just too sick, 

Those days where i can't seem to do a bloody thing. 

My legs don't always wan to work, 

The often collapse right under me until i'm on the ground. 

I can walk for just five /ten minutes, 

Before the pain and tiredness becomes too much. 

If i force myself to carry on , i will bare the burden of the pain 

For tomorrow that is what is to come. 

My seizures take my mind away, 

They make me lose track of my days. 

Where am i? Where did i Go?

Hell i lost so much pieces of myself many moons ago. 

Some days i don't recognise the girl i see, 

The girl who's staring straight back at me. 

Some days i can barely move my legs, 

They feel like dead weight attached to me. 

The pain is coming all too much, 

As it rushes through my body. 

My wheelchair it works wonder , it takes me place to place, 

It gives me back my freedom to have fun and be young. 

But i'm still limited on what i can do, 

Limited on where i can go. 

Not everywhere is accessible for me to go to, 

Even then some days i'm too sick to go there too. 

My wheels they give me freedom, My wheels they give me life, 

They're bind me together, they hold me tight. 

They keep me going, they never let me fall, 

I know that they are there for me, where ever i go. 

Poetry Collection: Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now