Chapter 1

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They say the best rulers are those who spend their lives preparing, training for the day their title is thrown onto them.

I however, disagree.



In three days my life changes forever.

In three days everything I have known will be thrown out the window.

The thought alone sends a shiver running down my spine- that and the T-shirt I'm wearing, regardless of our small, freezing house.

A loud banging from the large window opposite mine drags me out of my book that wasn't really being read anyway.

The sunbeam on my bed tells me it's still early, so it won't be a rushed morning per usual to get ready for school. School technically finished last week but most people still come in to finish off some extra credit work and say bye to teachers and friends.

Firey hair falls out infront of my face before my bare feet groggily walk over to the window and open it noisily- surely waking up my brothers next door remorsefully. They'll need to be woken up anyway.

Peering over to the one person in this world I truly despise- other than my devil-ish higher maths teacher- whilst leaning out, I ask with drawn eyebrows,

"Did you have do do that now Elliott?" He receives my small glare which is ruined when sleepiness creeps up on me and yawn at the tanned male in-front of me.

He doesn't need to know I was already awake.

The laugh that escapes him bristles me enough that I sneer back at him, my face contorting.

Elliott Costelli himself is leaning out of his window, seeming to be fixing the frame that has a huge crack in it. Who knew the guy could actually do something for himself.

Consider me shocked.

His parents are extremely rich- like Kardashian rich- so he's had everything handed to him on a golden platter; that is why it is so shocking to me that he is suddenly become such a builder.

His emerald eyes flash with hate as they bore into to mine under his damp brunette hair.

He has a split lip; from last nights fight at Victus I assume and a smirk that I recognise as very dangerous lights up his face.

"Good morning to you too sunshine. Why- dare I ask- can I not fix my window at this particular moment? " He challenges, his eyes traveling to my exposed legs from underneath one of my twin brother Bens oversized T-shirts as he looks over into my window which is overlooking his.

Is three meters too far for an upper cut?

"It's 7:30am on a Friday Elliott." One of his eyebrows raises in question as his hammer whacks the cracked wood of his window frame.

"Your lazy ass should've been up. You have school and it's not even that early."

The boy in-front of me receives an eye roll. It's too early for this.

"Did you at least win?" I ask regarding his purple eye and blooded lip with a nod.

I hope he didn't.

He stares as me and smiles lightly, as if he has a secret he definitely would never share with me.

"I did; in a sense." He says nodding before his eyes snap to his door as someone knocks. "I'll have to see you later Aria." The smirk he gives me before shutting his window and leaving is one I recognise as being very dangerous for a hangry and tired Aria at 7:30am.

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