Chapter 11

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(A year later)

"If you would excuse me, Mr Speaker, I would urge you to reconsider the liquidation of the trade union between us and Antrim. It would cause mass job loss in the mineral and agricultural sectors, forcing more into the already crowded West Side." My now sharpened, more eloquent Vitalian voice cuts through the jeering of the stands in the main parliamentary building of Aloura. Busybodies.

The old parliamentarian looks at me over his glasses with his beady eyes and muses,

"Is that so, your highness?" A few people in the stands murmur or out right laugh.

The floral dress I was forced into this morning probably doesn't help, the puffed sleeves, low neckline and skirt fluttering out above my knees ages me down a good few years. I still haven't gotten used to that, all the bright colours and...poofiness of my dresses.

The last few months in this parliament have opened my eyes to how little control woman really have over Vitala. I plan to change that.

Me and my coordinator —who has become a dear friend— Diana are the only females currently in the circular room.

"And what, your highness, would you suggest we do about the raise in tax put onto Antrimian goods?" Many laugh blatantly at him asking me.

I think for a minute, tapping my pen to my chin thoughtlessly.

"Instead of cutting it out entirely, how about we reduce the amount of goods we buy from them? If demand increases here, we can always raise the price a fraction and order more. In the meantime, we'll propose our idea to the Antrimian trade advisors and see their take on it. If they don't like it, they can reduce their tax laws. Our people shouldn't be held accountable for the actions of governors in Antrim. " I hold the Parliamentarians stare as he shrugs and mutters under his breath.

"Here, here." Someone says loud enough that it echoes a couple of times before others join him.

Soon, most of the left stand has joined and a heavy silence fills the room as we wait for his ruling.

"Alright, but I expect your proposal here this time tomorrow. Meeting adjourned. " The smirk on his sweaty face tells me he believes quite the opposite.

I can't help the small, triumphant smile that graces my face as a few congratulations are sounded my way,

Diana's hand pats my shoulder,

"You did good, Ari." I smile in thanks, tying my hair back into a ponytail before we walk out, Diana going over my plan for tomorrow as we head out of the Parliament building back into one of the palace limousines.

The fact that I have a chance to help improve my country still never ceases to surprise me.

"Do you think my proposition will work?" Diana's raven hair bounces as she looks up, her hazel eyes looking questionably towards me.

"Only you can decide that, Aria" She continues filling out paperwork with a smile still gracing her face.


Peter meets us back at my room, having been in a conference with the King and some advisors about who knows what.

"I hear it's steak for dinner." He breaks the silence as I open the door into my room, Peter jumping onto my bed with a huff. I snort, making a noise Diana would've definitely scolded me for.

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