Chapter 4

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The King and Queen, the picture of elegance and strength walk up to us and shake our hands in turn.

Oh my god it's the King and Queen. Should I bow, curtsy?

"Congratulations. You must be Mr Hunters." The King says in a loud booming North Vitalian accent very much like my own to Peter,

Congratulations. Like we won something.

"Yes, your majesty." He replies confidently, his accent as smooth as silk.

"It's an honour. And you must be Miss Ashworth. It's a pleasure to meet you too." He says to me with a warm smile which I return in the heat of the moment.

"It's a pleasure your majesty."I look over to Peter who is smiling right back at me, blue eyes gleaming.

The king gives a small smile before saying,

"We ought to get going now because we have to get back to help with the preparations for the ball tomorrow night." The king says confidently as he stands aside for us to walk through.

A Ball?

He leads us out the now empty hall and two double oak doors are opened for us. The second we are out there, people turn from getting on one of the hundreds of large wagons they will all be taken to their bases in, to watch.

To stare and judge and to laugh. To scrutinise, to joke about.

Why are they all staring?

A wagon moves back to reveal a golden carriage, maroon accents intertwined in the floral design coating the exterior. Two footmen open the door, and Peter and I climb in, the latter ungracefully.

Four chestnut stallions start a slow walk, as the King and Queen wave out at the shouting, waving people, singing the anthem as we ride.

The plush cushion I sit on dips as Peter leans over to whisper,

"Holy gods Aria." Our eyes catch and I make a pained face, his the mirror.

It's a short ride to the castle so we should be there within five minutes.

We pass the rich part of town where Lilliana and her family live first then we get to the middle section where me and my family live. I don't know why Elliott lives in our part of town. He definitely has enough money to live where Lil lives. The driver drives around the Slums-as it has been named- which is the bad part of town to avoid any unwanted attention.

I look out my window as we pass and see a little girl and boy climbing on a tree trunk on the outskirts of the slums. They grin widely as we go past and it brings a sad smile to my face.

Me and my family were almost evicted from our house a couple years ago and we would of ended up here. Thankfully my father got a promotion at the end of that week.

That could have been me.

Shutting out the thought, we head up towards the small road leading mainly to where my dad works on Mondays—Thursdays but I guess if you continue on past the exit you get to the Palace. The two mountains that share the road are the second and third biggest in Vitala: Scaffel Peak and Mount Loudon.

The Queen turns her soft eyes in my direction, scanning over me once.

"Your eyes..." Peter seems to turn his attention onto us at that, but his gaze stays set on the window.

"They are beautiful, the gold so prominent in the light from the window. Does anyone else in your family share this beautiful gift? " She asks politely, her eyes showing her now debating whether I would take offence to her attention.

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