Chapter 8

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A beam of sunlight forces my groggy eyes open to see Grace opening the velvet curtains with vines she is controlling.

A good morning is greeted to me with a sympathetic smile that is not returned.

My reflection stares back at me from the small mirror on my nightstand and my mascara is smudged from the tears that escaped my grasp as I fell to sleep and my golden eyes still shine with tears behind puffy eyes. Crying is not something I do often, but that night it really hit me, the weight of what has just been thrust upon my shoulders.

It's not that I'm not grateful for the opportunity I have infront of me but I was not made for this life. I never have been. And now there is no hope of me ever getting out of it.

A groan escaped me, falling back into my bed, where I look to my right to see Grace laying out a work out outfit consisting of a maroon oversized T-shirt with the Regalas crown intersecting two palm leaves and a sword on the back and black shorts.

"What are those for?" I ask picking up the neatly folded fabrics after very slowly making my way out the bed.

"You are starting your training today. You will hopefully find out your power!" Iris exclaims a bit too excitedly for 7 in the morning as she looks at me through her wide green eyes.

"Really?" I ask taking in her words, without much excitement due to the memory of last night popping back into my head.

That was quick.

I'm going to be using my new power today. Wow.

She nods, her blonde hair that is just in a ponytail today bouncing in its slightly curled hairstyle.


I should be more excited but instead, nerves coil in me like an adder waiting to strike.

She tells me to get ready because I need to be at breakfast at seven-thirty. I look at the clock and it reads seven o'clock.

Grace leaves and I shower, dry my hair and get changed. I put my hair in a ponytail, and do some light make-up. I go into my duffel bag of stuff and pull out my essentials and apply them- Iris says I'll have new stuff of my choice coming in tomorrow.

They all insisted on helping me with everything but assured them I'm ok on my own.

My maids are in the hall with fresh towels talking when I go out. They all say good morning as I step onto the first step, and Elliott appears behind me.

The palace is giant and has high ceilings so our steps echo as I speed walk around, trying to find the breakfast room, with no help from Elliott, who follows me smirking to himself with every turn I take in the wrong direction as he trails me like a fly in my ear.

Soon I loose myself, turning around into a dark hallway covered in tapestries. One of the ancient looking pictures is hidden behind a cloth so naturally I pull that down to reveal a strange looking tapestry. Its style is different to the others, more faded and dusty.

Elliott appears beside me then, brows furrowed as we glance at each other, shadows masking our faces.

It seems to show a meeting. Five people sit around a table, the Female at the head with large angelic wings and eyes of golden thread. A word starts mustering inside of me, but something pushes it down.

The other four people seem ordinary enough; one male with flowing long hair with beads mixed into his white locks and face tattoos in swirls, a female with shoulder length midnight hair to match her complexion, a female with navy curly locks and another male with red eyes that make me flinch from here.

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