Chapter 6

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"Iris, can you pass me the brush please?" Kate asks with her hand reaching out on instinct as she holds my hair in her hand whilst I sit in front of a mirror on a table, staring back at my own face.

Anger still fills my whole body, making me want to punch something. The collection of everything that has occurred and changed today hits me fully at this point.

The whole day should have been relaxing, spent at the spa or in a salon or getting my nails done for the royal ball tonight, and I can't complain.

The red hair I have always kept a natural semi-wavy has been curled subtly, falling like waves of flame down my shoulders before they are scooped up by Grace, who starts weaving my hair into an intricate braid.

I stare into my golden eyes and wonder if my mother's side of the family all have my eyes as well. One day I'll meet them. I'm sure once I've settled in I can persuade her to let me see one of them at least.

"Sure." Iris says passing Grace the brush who brushes out one of my amber curls carefully, as Ardwin chats on about how I'm supposed to act at the ball tonight, adding a few tips on how to seduce a man which gets a stern look from Kate.

"No Grace not like that." Kate says showing her how to plait my hair correctly as Ardwin and I share a comedic look at the Females around us.

"Sorry Kate. Like this?" Grace asks getting my l plait right with a sympathetic look my way, probably for the tugging.

"Yes good. Aria do you want your hair down or back in a plait like this?" Kate asks as she looks down at me sceptically.

"The braid is beautiful, thank you." I smile,  looking into my reflection in the large mirror in front of me.

"Sure! I'll pull the fronts out though." Kate says as she takes the front two chunks of hair from the front of my braid and pulls them out, curling them individually.

I thank her once she is done then they tell me I have fifteen minutes to myself before they can put me in the dress as they have some last-minute sewing to do.

Ardwin hands me my phone which I left next to the mirror and I call Ben with a thanks to her.

"Hi Ben." I say into the phone once the ringing stops.

"Aria! Oh gods- my sister actually called!"

"Ha ha." I jest emotionlessly to my brother. "So how are you? How is Elementa?"

"Oh it's amazing. I'm in a dorm with Oliver and Kai. It's annoying having Roman as an instructor but I found out my element is water."

"Ben that is amazing! One of my friends from the palace can control water as well."

"Oh yeah, how is the palace?"

"It's ok actually, I mean could be worse."

"Funny. Have you spoken to the others?"

"Not yet I am actually calling them after I finish speaking to you."

"Good I know they are all worried about how you will settle in, I heard about the ball are you excited? Try not embarrass yourself too much Ari. I'll be watching tonight!" Gods, there's news coverage all through the evening, marking our first ball and it's not helping with the nerves.

"Yeah, no it'll be good. Thanks Ben I needed some brotherly motivation." We share a laugh through the phone and I can't help but wish he was sat here beside me.

He'd walk in here and not care about the frills and fluff of the new room, he'd turn on the tv to watch sports or sit behind the gold trimmed windows that lead onto the huge balcony, with stone pillars and a view of a valley between Mounts Loudon and Forren and watch for the occasional sighting of dragons flying back to their home up North. The valley has evergreens covering both sides and a streaming river winding down the middle that I know Ben would love.

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