Chapter 2

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Once lunch finally arrives I decide to stay in the library to avoid third wheeling Lilliana and Colton. They got together just over 3 months ago but I know that Lilli is going to break up with him. She says it's because she doesn't want to be distracted but I'm not convinced by her theory.

I plug my corded headphones in, the tangled wire annoying me but since I'm lazy, I haven't untangled them yet.

Today has been a good day, a relaxed day. Today my dad isn't in the mines whilst I just sit here relaxing. No; he's in South Vitala with my mother visiting our aunt, uncle and cousins. Safe and out of harms way.

I like to think because he is a Terra he's be fine if he got caught in a rock slide but there are plenty of other painful ways he could die.

Gas poisoning, explosion in the mines, one of his fellow miners swinging his pick axe a bit too far—focusing on my work is what will get him out the mines, not thinking of the many ways he could die.

The edge of one of the schools ridgeback chairs digs into my already sore back as my book finishes. Disappointing ending I must say.

To Be So Lonely by Harry Styles blares though my ear drums louder than advised. Who really gives a damn if I have ear damage when I'm older.

I hum along half heartedly, what am I going to read now.

Not romance- it will just add to my depression knowing that I'm going to be the single aunt who ends up 60 living with 8 cats, not horror- I need a decent sleep tonight, not comedy- I'm too morbid to get the stupid jokes.

Classics it is.

I stand and go to one of the isles browsing through the Classics section when I see my favourite book of all time- Emma. As I stand my eyes catch in someone standing in the corner- scanning over the pages of their very own Emma.

Hell no.

I take out just one of my headphones and turn to glare at Elliott.

His eyes find mine and transform into a glare.

"Hello Aria. Fancy seeing you here." He says staring down at me with amusement with his broad arms crossed after he lays Emma down.

"What are you doing here? Are you even allowed back in this school." He likely hasn't been here since he left three years ago, although I'm not sure he's ever been in this particular room of the school.

A smirk tugs at his face,"The security in this place is shit. I walked right in." He nods at my book before I put my copy of Emma back on the bookshelf and stare back at the books, choosing to ignore the male beside me until he goes away.

I hate being seen with my brother or Elliott. You can just feel everyone's eyes on you.

"What do you want Elliott?" I demand turning so I'm in-front of him after about a minute passes of him observing me until I pick a copy of Jane Eyre out and start to walk back to my desk with Mr. Nosy on my tail.

"Look, I'm having a party tonight at mine and Roman asked me to offer that you join. Some people your age are coming so feel free to bring whatever that girls name you hang out with all the time. What's it... Lola?" Elliott says with a smirk playing in his lips as he bends close to my face.

"Lilliana you dipshit, and aren't you a little old do houseparties?" He scoffs, stepping back with his two hands raised.

"Trust me sunshine, you really don't have to come. Just stay in and complain about the noise like an old grandmother."

I thin my eyes at him. Is that a challenge?

"What if I do?" My challenge is shot back with a raised eyebrow as I lean against the desk with my hip.

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