Chapter 3

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Todays the day.

Todays the day I get given my division- my future. The next time I wake up will be in an academy.

Holy shit.

Reluctantly I clamber out of bed; still half asleep after the events of last night and walk over to my window and open the curtains to see Elliott walking out of his room in different sweatpants and a white T-shirt.

Right- Lilliana is coming over today to hang out before we might not see each other for minimum 2 years. Division training is ruff- especially Victus. No going home for holidays, even for big family events (good or bad).

I shower quickly and dry my hair, straightening the small natural waves at the same time.

After a few minutes I hear Roman and Elliott at the door downstairs so I ditch my towel and change into my light blue silk bath robe before turning back to the straightening of my hair.

"Hey, I just came to wake you up. How are you feeling?" Roman asks as he wonders through my room looking like he just woke up too as he engulfs me in a hug, laying his chin on top of my head.

All my brothers are much taller than me, Roman the most though, closely followed by my twin.

We like to say that in the womb, Ben stole all the extremely tall genes and I was left with the shorter ones.

Honestly if you were just looking at us you would not think we were twins. Whilst I have auburn hair and Ben has brown, I am more of a slim figure and he has a more muscular frame and he has straight hair and I have wavy, he has sea blue eyes and I have amber that can look bright gold in the sun and light brown in the dark. Ben is outgoing and loud while I am outspoken and a bit of an introvert at heart.

What goes through my twins head is a mystery to me.

"Much better, thanks." I let go and reach up to ruffle up his hair when my eyes fall on the figure looming in the doorway.


His gaze flicks down to where the bandage has been removed, his eyes holding the silent question.

"Just a scratch now- whatever you put on it worked quickly." I avoid eye contact after my embarrassing moment last night.

My face heats even just thinking about it. The heat of the moment- and maybe the couple of beers I had before made me almost picture him and me not necessarily hating each other.

I shiver. I'll be steering far away from alcohol for a long time to come.

Parties in my new division will be a firm no go.

"Good because Liliana is just tying up Princess outside and Mum says you should get ready." Ben says as I nod, walk to my bathroom and start to apply minimal make up- just some concealer, a small bit of liquid blush, bronzer and a touch of mascara along with some strawberry tinted lip gloss.

I seriously cannot be bothered with a full routine today. There's time for that before the Choosing.

I look back to see Roman and Elliott staring at me in with quizzical looks and cocked heads.

"What?" I ask unsure as I apply a bit more lip gloss.

"How haven't all Females poked out their eyes with that eye lash paint?" He asks opening my mascara bottle as I roll my eyes at my eldest  brother. My door flies open I see Elliott roll his eyes. He's never liked Lilliana and she's always hated him- almost as much as I hate him.


One of the many reasons she's my best friends.

She runs through and hugs me tightly, kissing the top of my head.

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