Chapter 15

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By the time we start to near the border, my nose is red and the leather riding jacket I'm wrapped up in does little to protect me from the icy wind ripping at our small group as we near Dergona.

Tony spent our flight time telling me everything about the group of people in his inner circle of friends, some of which I am about to meet. Leo— the most renowned dragon rider in Dergona, thanks to birth defect in his wings that left him unable to fly on his own, Lorenza— a strong warrior and private assassin for the Cheif, Malakai— who I met briefly at my court introductory ball last year, the next in line to be Cheif in only three months, and finally Finnious— or Finn— who helps train new recruits and plays courteir in their powerful circle of friends. Then there's Elias— or to me, Elliott. The youngest high general in six years, half blooded Calcari— meaning a Raptor with full Raptorian blood and full Divisioner blood.

My attention is drawn from watching a pod of whales in the distance, to the large green island we're soaring for— or more accurately, the two dragons, one Kaidas size and the other, almost larger than Nyxus.

Our pace picks up, both dragons seeming more alert as their chests reverberate as their screeches are returned even from what looks like a five minute fly away.

"Are you ready to start your new life, Aurelia?" Adeline shouts over the wind to me, and all I do is beam back up at her.

She still refuses to call me by my given name, but having people call me Aurelia is like restoring part of my soul, but still... one person at a time.

Tony smiles back at me, his dark eyes locking with mine as he informs, "We'll land and cross the border by foot, it's safer incase your powers all come out at once." Holy gods I'd forgotten.

Forgotten that the powers I'd showcased in Vitala were just a fraction of my natural gifts.

My heartbeat picks up, for many reasons. One being I'll meet new people who I'll be staying with for the next gods know how long, one of them being the emerald eyed Raptor who things didn't end well with on any terms, and the other being that my powers will come out— but what if they stay the same? What if that weak excuse for flames is all I have in me?

As we approach the grassy, island, about a kilometre wide each way from the centre, the dragons level out with the water, and I prepare myself, breathing in deeply.

A dolphin in the water keeps pace with us, and I skim my fingers just over the top of the water, leaning over the side of Nyxus.

The dolphin dives down before jumping high up in the air, flanked by three more I hadn't noticed before.

It calms my anxiety, watching how they leap next to the dragons in the waves created by the beating of the dragons wings as we approach the border.

The land approaches, and the sea-mammals bank out, back into the warmer Vitalan waters.

I can vaguely make out the three Raptors on the other side of what looks like a force field I've seen some Victus' create, looking like the edge of a bubble with a rainbow sheen in some places.

The curse. I didn't expect it to be so...beautiful.

A tall female, huge wings folded in and muscled arms crossed over her long black locks of curling hair, next to a blonde smiling Male with smaller wings and an arm outstretched in greeting. The third Raptor is all too familiar, but also completely different. His hair now reaches just below his ears, and his wings, holy rutting gods.

I thought he was intimidating before, but the Raptorian style leathers he wears with twin blades hung on each hip add ten fold to what he was.

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