Chapter 5

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"Ok Lilliana I will." I sit cross legged on the bed in the new room, fiddling with a strand of hair falling from my face.

"Are you sure?" Lilliana says through her phone, not sounding convinced.

Lilliana got Elementa which she was not expecting. Her whole family is in Cerebra; except Penny who went into Victus.

"Yes, I'll call you then if I have time but now I really have to go."

"Ok, well hopefully see you soon." She says more as a question.

"Definitely, miss you." A false hope, we won't be seeing each other for months.

"Miss you too! Bye!" She says hanging up.

Upon arriving back to the room, Iris told me that I had sixteen missed calls from Lilliana. So, we talked for 20 minutes and now I only have 10 minutes to get ready and get down to the dining hall.

After a day of being here already, the amulet has not come off— not that it can, apparently. My mother wouldn't have made me agree to those conditions unless she believed they were important, so I won't try to take it off.

Kate, Ardwin, Olivia and Isabella walk in with a blue dress with small flowers on it that flows down to my ankles elegantly, the silk swaying in the slight breeze. The v neck is modest enough, probably stopping just above my heart.

"Gods, did you guys make this?" Whilst curiously fiddling with the soft material.

They all nod their heads.

"It's beautiful. Thank you so much." I inspect it further. The material is like nothing I have ever felt, it rolls over my hands like a patterned wave of silk.

I put it on quickly, almost not recognising myself in something so... floral. The girls leave my loose natural curls in then pull it up in a ponytail and do my makeup.

They then give me a small chain necklace to match the amulet— which none of them have questioned since I told them it wouldn't be coming off— and pearl earrings.

Finally, they give me some small heels. Once they are done I thank my maids before asking them to give me instructions on how to get to the main dining hall, to which they just smile and push me out the door.

Once in the marble hallway, the male from before smiles at me from where he is stationed to the left of Peters door. Gods that means...

"Your highness, this way." Elliotts face reveals nothing as looms over my shoulder, before he walks in front of me, leading the way down the steps.

Our walk is filled with mind-numbing silence, Elliott's steps the only sound echoing around the empty halls.

As we round a corner into another empty hallway, the silence becomes too much, "Look, Elliott—"

Elliott's head turns, only a slight shift, "Your Highness, I work best in silence." His eyes are cold when he glances over a shoulder at me, the sword by his side catching the light, flashing like quicksilver.

A maid rounds the corner behind us, cutting off any response that would come from me as Elliott turns back around, monitoring our surroundings discreetly.

We get there in minutes, each feeling like an hour,

Elliott stops and gestures inside, to a room connected to the hallway by a huge gold covered door which I open hesitantly. Inside there is long oak table which stretches out to about ten meters long. Each place is set with fine china and the majority of the people sitting in the seats are Royalty. The Queen sits with a woman who I recognise as Celeste Walters - the Female who was picked ten years ago – with her hand on her partner, Vito's thigh.

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