Chapter 1

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Me- hey this is my new story hope you like it. So have fun reading and tell me what you think.

*Blossom P.O.V*

The alarm clock went of I woke up I shut it of I got up went to the bathroom got changed and put my makeup on I put my hair up tied up with my big pink bow. Went downstairs for breakfast I eat and headed for school.

Brick P.O.V

The alarm went of I woke up I was mad at the clock I never get time to sleep then I throw that alarm it broke I need to tell dad I broke the alarm clock but I didn't care I got up from my bed I went to get change brushed my hair put my cap on backwards on my head.
I went downstairs to eat breakfast after I finish I headed for school.

Blossom P.O.V

While I was walking to school I sow bubbles walking.

"Bubbles" I shouted she looked back and smiled. I ran up to her and smiled.

"Hello blossom had a good sleep" she said and I smiled.

"Yes I did actually what about you" I said and smiled.

"I had a great sleep thank you" she said with a big smile.

"Have any plans today" I said with a big smile.

"Yes me and boomer are going to the park after school and at break we are going cooking class club what about you" she said with a big smile.

"I dont know yet but lets hurry up before Buttercup will get angry for talking not walking" i said as we Walked away.

Brick P.O.V

I was walking to school and sow boomer on the way to school.

"Hey bommer" i shouted so he can hear he did and looked backwords.

"Hey brick whats up" he said with a smile.

"Nothing just chilling on a monday morning" i said sarcastic.

"Ok so have eny plans today" he said.

"Nope what about you" i said.

"I am going at break cooking class club with bubbles and then park after school with bubbles" he said with a smile.

"ok lets get walking not talking before butch gets mad because he is early" i said as we Walked to school.

(Me-yes i am making a new book and hope you like it its my first chapter on this book dont be mad please. I will be making 'did i ever diesvere this' and 'brick falling for blossom' hope you like this chapter right. In the comments.

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