Chaoter 17

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Blossom P.O.V

I would start walking down the beach looking around and thinking what it would be like if I was at home or what if no one finds me and brick!. I honestly don't know what I would do if they never find us!.

After couple minutes I walked back to our camping area and saw brick sitting here deep into thoughts, id soon sit next to him and placed my hand on his hand, he looked over at me "Don't you just wonder, how would It be like if we wasn't here?" I'd nod looking down "non If this would happen if I used my brain and finally stop being mean to you and you wouldn't hate me!.. then we wouldn't be fighting all the time when we see each other!" Id look at him.

"I never hated you at first!" He would face me as I looked at the beach. "When I started my first day of school and met you!.. I actually had feeling for you and it grow and grow everyday, even if you was mean to me! And I was mean to you to cover my crush on you! And one point.. something happened!,. I started to hate you for what you have done!.. and the person you was, you had everything and a life I always wanted! And you never appreciated what you had!" He would then make me look at him by placing a finger under my chin.

"The reason why I was mean to you.. is because I loved you 2 and me being the stupid one!.. I ruined your life!, am sorry" he looked away as I placed my hands on his cheek making him face me and I kissed him he then grabbed my and moved me to sit on his lap, his hands start to move under my top as I blushed while kissing him. His tongue slid into my mouth.

He would pick me up by my ass and walked over to our tent and placed me down on the ground gently while kissing me. He slowly took of my top as I took his top off and took rest of our clothes....

(Well then.. let's leave them some privacy!.. if you actually thought I would write the rest.. damn you dirty minded people 😆)

I'd look deep into his eyes as he looked into mine.. id smile as he smiled back. "I love you" id say "I love you to" He would reply as we both drifted of to sleep.


I got up to see brick still a sleep, id smile as I placed a kiss on his cheek and got warn the clothes and got up, walking to the forest and finding something to eat.

After a while of searching, I found nothing, so I got back to the camp to see him awake, id sit down near him "morning" he would smile as he hugged me. "I tried finding us something to eat, but there was nothing.

Then out of no where we heard an helicopter, we would widen our eyes as we look at each other for a second, then turn around, id grab the flair gun and look over to where the helicopter is and we would see it. "We have one shot!" He said as I nodded, id close my eyes and open them to point at the helicopter and a little up and shoot it.

Blossom's Mum P.O.V

"They must be here somewhere!" Id look around and out of the no where I seen a red might coming from one of the island...

"Check that island!, I think someone might be there!" Id say to the guy that is flying the helicopter, he nodded as he turned the helicopter towards the island.

Blossom P.O.V

"THEY SAW IT!, THEY ARE TURNING THIS WAY!" I would say happily as I hug brick.

"We are going home BabyGirl" he would saying hugging me back.


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