Chapter 2

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Brick P.O.V

Me and boomer went to school I saw butch standing like an idiot he looked at us and had a mad face. What's he's problem.

"Hey butch what's up" I said as I came up to him.

"Nothing I am just standing here like an IDIOT" he shouted at the end of the sentence.

"So why did you come early today" I said.

"Umm I don't know because boomer called me that there will be free chocolate but guess what there wasn't you tricked me boomer" he said mad.

"Sorry butch you always come late and me and brick plan it for you to come early" boomer said with laughter and I just laughed.

"Hahaha very funny am going to see buttercup bye" he said sarcastic and left.

"What's up with him" boomer said.

"I don't know but hope buttercup can solve it" I said.

Blossom P.O.V

"Hahaha then he just fell to the ground" she said with laughter I giggled same as bubbles.

"Hey lady's" butch came and smirked.

"Shut up butch" bc said.

"So what are you talking about" he said with a smirk.

"Bc was telling us how you fell to the ground when you where skating" bubbles said giggling. Bc was laughing.

"Hey I thought you wouldn't tell" butch said.

"Oops" she said laughing.

"Your going t..." Butch got interrupted by the school bell we said our goodbyes me and bc had the same lesson so we walked to class together and talking about what she did yesterday at the football practise. We got to our lesson I sat next to the window at the end on the right. Bc sat at the end but on the left next to the wall. Mrs Kane came in

"Hello students we are having 2 students from the other classes and they been moved here please come in boys" Mrs Kane said. The boys came in and I was shocked and angry that I saw my enemy in this class

Brick P.O.V

I went in I saw some cute girls and one girl that was giving me death glare and it was my worst enemy 'blossom' why did I have to move to this class.

"Ok boys I will give you seats butch can you please seat next to buttercup, brick can you seat next to blossom" Mrs Kane said. I cannot believe it I have to sit next to an egg head.

"WHAT I am not going to sit next to him" blossom shouted. Everyone know we hate each other so much but the teachers don't.

"Umm blossom be quiet he will sit next to you if you like it or not" Mrs Kane said. She had an angry face. I w-went to my seat N-next to blossom. I sat down she gave me a death glare.

"You talk to me or try to Evan try to get me mad your death will come" I said angry.

"Like I care I hate you more then everything in the world" she said harsh she turned to the teacher and start working.

*skip to it lunch*

Blossom P.O.V

I left my class went to the cafeteria to meat my friends. I saw my friends I went to them sat next to bubbles.

"So how was lesson blossom I heard that brick moved to your classes most of them" bubbles said.

"It's rubbish I have to sit next to him in English, math, health and art" I said mad.

"Ok I shouldn't have said that" bubbles said.

"Nope you shouldn't so let's change the subject" buttercup said.

Brick P.O.V

After class I went to my locker get my iPhone 6 after that I went to the cafeteria where my friends sat I went up to them and sat next to butch.

"Hey how was classes with blossom I heard the you moved most of her classes" bommer said.

"Yep this will be the worst year in my life and I have to seat next to her in English, math, health, art" I said angry.

"Ok I shouldn't ask that question" bommer said little scared.

"Yep you shouldn't have ask that now he will be angry but let's change the subject" butch said.

(Me- hello yay hope you like it tell me in the comments if you like it and what do you think about it

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