Chapter 14

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Blossom P.O.V

I woke up really warm and comfortable, I open my eyes to see sleeping brick, I smiled.

To answer your questions how did we gone to sleeping next to each other, no we hadn't done the nasty, dirty minded people, I'll tell yah everything what happened.


When he kissed me, It felt magical, like I never knew something like this would feel so realistic, I always thought kisses are disgusting, tbh I never had my first kiss till now, he just took my first kiss.

I separated our lips and he looked at me like "why did you kiss me?" I said realising what just happened. I touched my lips.

"I don't know really, but I feel like you needed it, I somewhat hated you but I want to make you happy now from now on, I was so stupid for not realising how stupid I was, I now realised how special you are, please forgive me for whatever I done, I don't want to hate you no more" he said as I just looked away.

"You think I would forgive you after this one kiss, and you just token my first kiss, I wanted to give it to someone special not to someone that hated me for like ever and I have no reason why?, why should I believe you anyway, it could just be a joke" I said holding my tears.

"I don't expect you to believe me, all you need to know I am very sorry and I hope one day you will forgive me, or even I don't expect you to like me for this kiss, that just happened out off the blue, but once you told me your story I was so heartbroken by what you just told me, I was always the one that thought I had bad life, but listening to your story, it's like something I never expected to happen someone like you, I wish I could just go back in time and change every single thing that happened to us and this will never be a joke, come on, we are in the middle off no where" he said as I faced him.

"You really mean every single thing?" I said shocked. he touched my cheeks, while I looked up to he's eyes.

"Every little single thing, come on let's go to my place, you might be really cold" he said as I blushed and nodded.


I will never forget that moment, when we got back, and we talked and realised we have a lot in common actually, and how I end up next to brick, I was cold so he cuddled me to sleep, he is so kind when you get to know him, I never knew he would ever be so nice to me.

I looked at him and smiled, I felt like I can believe him, but I can yet, he still has to prove that i actually can trust him.

I got up as the sun beaming straight at us. the sand isn't as comfortable to sleep on then you think. I covered brick with a branch with leaves, as he made a tent out of sticks and really long leaves, had no idea what they where called. As I covered the tent so brick wouldn't get burnt. I got away from the tent and search for food

Brick P.O.V

I woken up and realised that blossom wasn't here, I guess she went outside. saw that the tent was covered, not really a tent, but it can do. I un covered the leave and the bright light hit me, damn it's bright today, I saw that she was seated down, she looked at me and smiled.

"Morning, want a banana?" She said as I laughed, she just looked at me confused, while eating her banana.

"Are we gonna eat bananas every morning?" I said as she nodded with a smile, "but you can have my banana every day if you want" she then widen her eyes and spitted out her food and chocked, as I just laughed. "You should off seen your face" I laughed even more as she looked mad at me.

"You jerk, I am eating and your bring up a dirty joke, your so messed up" she said, as I chilled out a little bit, I didn't laugh like this in ages.

"Hey, ad least I ain't boring" she rolled her eyes and turned around and continued eating" I laughed once again.

"So you still gonna eat that banana, after what I just said" I said as she nodded with a sharp nod.

"Food is food. I will never ever abandon my food" she said as I just laughed. "Anyways, yes bananas are gonna be every morning, as I found a banana trees not far from us and if we want something else then bananas, we will need to hunt, but I don't wanna harm animals, so I am not gonna kill them" she said as i sighed, she is a softy when it comes to animals.

Third person view P.O.V

Brick and blossom, where having a hard time on the island and they still had no clue where they where, they might have became friends, but island is a big place, anything can happen to them, they don't know if it was safe to stay there.

On the other hand, their friends Butercup, Butch, Bubbles and Bommer are at home and worked they had no clue where they are, they couldn't go back to the place and look for them, as their parents where scared it might happen to them, but they are worried sick about them. They been missing for 5 days already.

Blossoms and bricks parents went to Hawaii and are looking for them with the police crew, 5 days fail, but they aren't giving up, blossoms and bricks parents teamed up and searching for them like there is no tomorrow they wanted them home safe. The news where filling out what happened to let the world know what happened, and the parents didn't bother on, talking to the news to stop talking about their kids, but they didn't, they want to find their children.

Will they be found?, or will they give up?

I am very sorry for not posting, I been slacking off with life lately, it's really hard to writing while life is full of problems, please understand that writing isn't as easy. I love all of you and I don't want to ever quit, so if I don't post in a long time, please know, I have problems going on.

Please, vote and follow if you haven't 😊


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