Chapter 15

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Blossom P.O.V

I have been stuck on this island for a long time with brick, but we got a lot closer, surprisingly... he's a nice guy when you get to know him longer. We told each other mostly everything about each other, because why not?, I have no idea how long we will be, maybe in till we die.... No!, don't think like that, someone will find us.

Me and brick done a lot of stuff ever since we got here, we made our place a little more home alike, which is add carpets as leaves a better tent, we also use the big leaves for pillows, we just folded it up to a pillow shape and done.. but I somehow fall a sleep on bricks chest, it's way more comfortable.

We have a lot of food supplies, we go hunting for food, every day. I don't really like killing or torturing like that.. but... we do have to survive, mostly brick does it tho, as i get upset very easily because of what I do.

I was sitting currently on the sand near the beach and my camp. I was looking up in the sky, thinking a lot, the day I fell of that damn boat, my life changed, how?, I don't really know to be honest, I just live out side near a beach, on a island, that no one flipping know where the hell it is, or this doesn't even look like its been walked by a human, well... except from us.

"What your thinking about?" I turned around to see brick sitting next to me, I just shrugged, I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Everything really..." I said. it's not what I wanna think about, but maybe there is hope that someone will find us, I hope....

"Yeah.. me too" he's words sounded so strong and hurtful at the same time, I felt the need to hug him, to make him better, but I'll stay out of it, we are not a couple, this is temporary, I bet when someone finds us, we will be back to our normal hatred self, when we are back at home.

I felt a rain drop on my face, I looked up to see more drops of water coming "we should hide into our place!" I said picking my head from his shoulder and stood up, he didn't budge. "Aren't you coming?" I said.

"Nah, don't you like the rain?" I shook my head, he stood up and smiled "a rain is beautiful. once you step in it, you will feel the breeze, but a rain can be refreshing. it wipes a lot of Problems away for a few mins, you could enjoy without worrying something is gonna happen" he's words where powerful, I didn't know a rain could do that, all my life I had been locked away from rain, or been told rain can ruin everything, they where wrong.

He took my hands and placed them on his shoulder, he placed his hands over my waist. We started to slow dance, we didn't have no music, but we enjoyed the rain. The rain was our music and the sound of waves was also our music.

I felt like my problems just washed of me, when I looked into his beautiful eyes, I felt like there is nothing around us, like everything around me has shut down, except him. His smiled at me, making me warm up, it's like there is no care in the world, but me and him.

He spun me around but keeping one of my hand linked into his hand, he sure knows a how to dance. Never knew a bad boy could be a romantic guy. I got back to the same pose and looked deep into those eyes. Our lips come a little closer, in till I felt his warm breath, we kissed and it felt magical, the kiss was short, but sweet.

I know it's short, but I will try and make a longer next chapter... love you guys ❤️

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