Chapter 13

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*Alana's P.O.V.*

I couldn't believe what this man was saying to me. I mean what kind of sick, demented, ill minded person would make such demands? He raped me for crying out loud! Now he expects me to play happy family with him. I wanted to yell and scream at him to go to hell, but I knew that he would make good on his threats. So I just sat and listened as he listed off the things he expected from me.

"Now Alana, I know you may think I'm being unreasonable here, but I genuinely think we could be good together." He said before taking a sip of his drink before continuing. "I don't want to hurt you, even though I will. All I'm trying to do is make us a family, and grow old together." Frowning I rolled my eyes and said, "You are a sick excuse for a human being. I would rather die, then pretend to be happy with you." He smirked at me and said, "That my dear, can be arranged. Now call our son over here so that we can go home and you and I can have this conversation in a more private setting." My fear probably showed on my face, because he smirked and stood up waiting for me to summon Carson. Once I got up and called Carson over we headed home to talk.

Once we were home I sent Carson to play next door at the neighbors house, and headed into the living room to have this talk with Dana. As soon as the front door was shut behind him Dana came into the living room and sat on the couch, turning so that we were facing each other. "So I'll be staying here from now on, and I expect you to tell Carson that I'm his father before the day is over. You will also quit your job to become a stay at home mom, your cell phone will be disconnected, there will be no more friends because I am now your only friend. You will acknowledge me when I speak, and you will call me daddy from-" He didn't get to say anymore because I snapped. "Are you fucking insane!? You nor I will do any such thing, and you will get the hell out of my home!" I was shaking with so much anger, that my eyes were starting to blur. How dare he demand even more? I've had it with him and his bull. I wanted him out of my house. "There's the doo-" My words were cut off due to the smack he just gave me, that sent me down to the floor. Looking up I saw him coming towards me with his anger clear on his face. I tried to crawl away, but he grabbed a fist full of my hair pulling me back to him. "Look bitch, kill the attitude. I was being nice to you because I know you're the one for me, but I see I have to show you that I'm not to be disrespected or disobeyed." He then punched, kicked, and smacked me until I was begging him to stop. He kept up the beating until he got tired and told me to go get cleaned up, then get dinner started while he went to get Carson.

After dinner we told Carson that Dana was his dad, and that he would be staying with us for a while. Carson was so excited, he even wanted Dana to tuck him in bed and read him a story. The thought of him being here was revolting enough, but seeing Carson like him so much was worse. If only he really knew the truth about this man. I went into the bathroom and washed the makeup from my face, hiding my bruises and cuts. My face was too horrible to look at, so I quickly changed into my pajamas and went to bed. I cried into my pillow, hoping he would just go away. I was so scared of what he would do to me.

Just before I could doze off completely I heard my bedroom door open. I squeezed my eyes shut and controlled my breathing. I felt my bed dip under his weight, as he lay down beside me. He must have thought I was asleep because he pulled me close, kissed the top of my head and said, "Things are about to change. I just hope you survive that long."

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