Chapter 8

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**3 months later**

**Alana's P.O.V.**

I awake to the blaring sound of my alarm clock. "Ugh! I'm so exhausted!" I said to my empty bedroom. Standing up from my bed, I walked to my walk-in closet to find something to wear. My appointment with my obgyn was in a hour, so I just slid on a pair of jeans and my favorite sweater. Heading downstairs to the kitchen I grabbed a muffin, my purse, and headed to my garage to my new car. I purchased the car and a new house a few weeks after I received my inheritance. I was happier here than in my old neighborhood, plus I didn't have to see Dana anymore. He was seriously starting to freak me out, and I did not want to deal with crazy people. Shaking my head I started the car, pressed the garage opener, and backed out into the street heading to my appointment.

"Ms.Greer, the doctor will see you now." Said the nurse waiting to direct me to a room. I stood and followed her down a corridor and into an empty exam room. "Change into this gown, pee in the cup, and the doctor will be in shortly." Said the nurse as she handed me the items and left the room. I went into the bathroom, changed into the gown, then pee'd into the cup. Exiting the bathroom I sat the cup on the counter next to the sink then sat on the bed to wait for the doctor. Fifteen minutes later the doctor comes in along with the nurse. "Ms.Greer, what brings you here today?" Asked the doctor with a small polite smile. "Umm well,......I.......I.....I have missed my cycle a few times and I'm not sure if its from stress or something else." I replied to the doctor as she set about getting the exam kit together. "Well Ms.Greer, I'm glad you came here then. Now is there a possibility that you could be pregnant? Or have you come into contact with someone with a std that your aware of?" I shook my head furiously, "No, I haven't had a sexual partner since I moved here. So you see that's not possible." The doctor nodded her head then directed me to lay down, so that the exam could begin. Once the exam was over she told me I could get dressed and the nurse would be in with my results soon. All dressed and ready to go I patiently waited for the nurse to come in with my results. After a few minutes the nurse entered the room and asked if I was sure I didn't have any sexual partners, or any crazy nights. I told her I was sure and that I didn't have any wild nights since I moved here. She sat her clipboard down and came to sit beside me, then grabbed my hands and told me that what she was about to tell me might come as a shock. "Ms.Greer, we do routine pregnancy tests on all of our patients, and yours came back positive. Ms.Greer, your expecting." I honestly didn't know what to do or how to respond so I sat in shocked silence for then got my next appointments and left. I sat in the car and screamed, how the hell did this shit happen. Once I composed myself I started my car, and then my phone rung and it was Dana. I quickly answered the phone, "You sick son of a bitch! How dare you rape me?! I know you did so don't try to deny it!" He laughed a dark laugh and said, "I never intended to deny it. My only question to you is how did you know?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Because I'm pregnant you sick bastard!" I screamed before hanging up the phone and driving to my house.

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