Chapter 7

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**Alana's P.O.V.**

I woke up feeling woozy, sick, and exhausted. Standing up I felt my legs almost give out under my weight, so I sat down on the edge of my bed. After a few minutes I tried again, this time my legs held firm enough for me to make it into the bathroom. I sat on the edge of the tub and turned on the tap to fill it. Once the tub was filled I undressed, climbed in, and lay back closing my eyes. "Mmm, yes this is definitely what I needed" I said out loud as the woozy sick feeling started to subside. After my bath I got dressed, ate breakfast, and headed outside to check the mail. I flipped through the mail as I went back into the house, it was mostly bills from various things. The last envelope in the stack wasn't a bill, I opened it and got a huge shock. It was a letter informing me that a very wealthy man had recently passed, and it turns out he was my grandfather on my mothers side. I had never met my mother's parents before, when she was alive she would always say she didn't speak to them anymore. Although that was shocking, the biggest shock came when I read the part explaining an inheritance I was to soon receive. I grabbed my cell and dialed the number at the bottom of the paper, Smiling as I waited for someone to answer. "Hello, Allen Drapers office." Said the voice on the other end of the phone. "Yes, may I speak with Mr.Draper please?" The woman told me to hold while my call was transferred to his line. "Allen Draper speaking." Said a deep voice. "Yes, hi. I'm Alana Greer, I received your letter about my grandfather, and an inheritance." "Oh, yes Ms.Greer. I'm sorry for your loss, my condolence. So now lets get down to business, Ms.Greer your grandfather has never known you, but was well aware you existed. He wanted you to have this ten million dollar inheritance, it would have gone to your mother if they would have remained close. Anyhow ms.Greer, the money will be set into your account by the twentieth of this month." I was in tears after I got off the phone, I couldn't belie my luck was changing all ready.

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