Chapter 5

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*Alana's P.O.V.*

*One Week Later*

I stood looking at myself in the mirror looking at the huge bags under my eyes from days of crying, my matted unkempt hair, and red face. I looked terrible, but didn't want to do anything about it. Even though today was the day I was to return to work. My boss had excused me for the week due to my explaining a death in the family. I had buried Padma in my back yard and placed flowers all around the grave. Since then all I did was cry out my heart, and lay in bed. Getting my emotions in check I did my makeup, got dressed, and headed out to the bus stop to go to work. As I reached the bus stop my phone started to ring, I looked at the screen and saw that it was Dana calling. I pressed ignore and took a seat to wait for the bus to come. My phone started ringing again, and once again it was Dana. I pressed ignore again, and a text message came in. "You've been ignoring me since you found your stupid dog! Why the fuck won't you pick up Bitch? I don't like being ignored, especially when I've been nothing but nice to you whore!" My mouth dropped open from shock as I read the text, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. What the hell was going on? Another text came in but I didn't check it, instead I turned off my phone throwing it in my bag. The bus pulled up not long after and I got on, paying my fare before I sat down in an available seat. Once I reached work I went to my desk and booted up my desktop getting to work on my missed assignments. Halfway through my first assignment my co-worker came over and told me I had a call. As I grabbed the phone and pressed the button for the busy line I wondered who it could be. "Hello.....'' I started to say, but was interrupted by an angry voice yelling "Bitch did you think turning your phone off was going to stop me from calling you? Now I see that I can't be nice to whores like you! You like to ignore people who have been nothing but nice to you! Well nomore Mr.Nice Guy. I'm going to get you Bitch!" Then the line went dead, I was left shocked and afraid. This had to stop before things got worse, and it hadn't even begun. I hung up the phone and went back to my desk, only to be called into my bosses office as soon as my toosh hit the seat. What could possibly be the problem, I wondered as I headed into my bosses office. "Ms.Greer, it was brought to my attention that you have been sending emails to a co-worker in an attempt to start an office romance." Said my boss as soon as I shut the door and took a seat. "What? No Sir. I know you don't tolerate in office affairs." I said in my defense. "So are you telling me that this anonymous email I received with your corresponding messages, pictures, and emoticons are false? Do you think I was born yesterday Ms.Greer?" "No Sir, Mr.Boone. But honestly I........" "Thats enough from you Ms.Greer, have your desk cleaned out, and you off my premises by lunch or I will have you escorted. Now goodbye Ms.Greer." I walked back to my desk fighting back tears, I couldn't believe this had just happened to me. I've never broken the rules of my job ever, I respected every command, how did this happen? Once my things were packed I left the office and sat at the bus stop to go home. After a while I turned on my phone to check the time, and a text came in. "How's it feel to be fired Bitch? HaHaHa!" I dropped my phone and screamed, "What the fuck is wrong with this man!" Then the car that's always parked on my street at night drove past me, and stopped at the corner. The passenger side door opened and a box was thrown out, then the door slammed shut and the car pulled off. I looked at the box and saw my name, I walked over and picked it up. Opening the box I saw a bloody heart, and a note. "Next time it'll be yours Bitch!" I screamed and screamed so much I didn't even notice the bus pull up, or that Dana was parked right behind it

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