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Bold means speech
Bold italics means authors note
Italics means thoughts
Underlined italics means others thoughts


I lied on the couch looking up at my smooth ceiling and said "Well, this wouldn't be the first time I was in a fake friendship but, it still hurts just as much every time". Ash said "Mhm", I said, "I'm hurt but not surprised in the slightest". I looked over at Ash he was looking up at the ceiling to but, he was clearly listening. "I think, the better people you surround yourself with the better it is for you, well that's common knowledge but, when you stumble upon someone who is fake, you're taken aback. It makes you rethink every step because you thought you were being careful but now, you're not. Then, you get paranoid, just don't get paranoid".

I smiled and he looked down at me, I glanced at his eyes for a second then looked back up. "Anything else you want to talk about?". Ash said so with a curious tone and it made me think on what he could possibly be talking about. I thought some more and realized "Yeah, funny coincidence we were just talking about not being paranoid but, are you hiding something from me? Are you like cheating on me?". He looked at me shocked and said "no? where did you get that from?".

I looked at him and said, "Nowhere it's just, I feel like something else is on your mind". He sighed and put his face in his hands, he continued "Well, I don't think this anymore but, I thought you didn't take there being a possibility of you dying all that seriously". I looked at him and said "Well I don't. Look at it from my prospective, I'm a princess kidnapping me to get money is a great idea. Murdering me because they don't like our democracy is an idea. Walking the street is another possibility of death. What I'm trying to say is, living daily life doesn't come without risk and unknown possibilities. The unknown is scary, it's probably my biggest fear but, it's also very exciting. I don't know what to expect but, we can only hope it's a positive. The only thing we can do is manifest and hope". He smiled and said, "Wise words".

I laughed and I said, "I'm glad we had this talk, I'm glad we communicated but, now I don't have an excuse to see you tomorrow". He laughed and said, "I'm most definitely still going to be here tomorrow". I laughed and he got up laid on me playfully. I pushed him off and he fell to the floor with a thump but, not without him saying, "OOF". I laughed and walked out, I decided not to freak out Ace and August, so I walked downstairs.

I mumbled to myself "Jeez mom, really can't get elevators in here? I feel like I'm running a marathon throughout the house". Ace heard me and said, "I thought you could teleport, were you lying?". He said it as if he was taunting me, so I stuck my tongue out and crossed my arms like a child. Farrah slightly lifted her head and did the laugh you do while your double chin is out. I smiled and Ace smirked, and we both laughed at each other.

I sat on the couch where Niko and Freddie where, I picked up her head and lied it in my lap and watched whatever they were watching. It was Monsters Co, I looked at Freddie who was visibly enjoying it and Farrah who were laughing at the kids crying. This is when I realized that my friend group is very childish. Ash came downstairs and slid into the living room, he saw that there were no spots on the couch left and decided to sit on the floor. Freddie looked over at me and said, "Thank you for the party, even though you're a horrible hostess, I still appreciate it".

I smiled and said, "Shut up", I said it with the happiest smile. Freddie stood up from his spot grabbing dishes and walked them into the kitchen. I walked with him to tell him he doesn't need to just to be polite so he could insist so I wouldn't have to clean the dishes. I walked in but I just sat on the island and said, "You know Freddie, we don't hang out much and, I don't know much about you". He turned around with a straight face and said, "Most don't". I said, "You're actually really easy to get along with, you're easy to talk too, you're loyal, you're obedient, you're self controlled, you're smart, you're trained".

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