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Bold means speech

Bold italics means authors note

Italics means thoughts

Underlined italics means others thoughts

"I think she told him a secret and he doesn't want to hurt her because of that secret".

Oh my gosh, that makes since. "So, we have a way to lure him but, how do we defeat him". Ash shrugged and I had an idea, a very dangerous one I didn't want him to know about. I'm being very impulsive right now. I smiled and said, "I gotta go do something, it'll help with Avery".

Ash tilted his head and said, "I'll come with you, to keep you safe". I shook my head and said, "No, I got this! I don't need you". Both of our eyes widened, and I said "Wow, I didn't mean it like that sorry, I'll see you later". I didn't have time to see his reaction mostly because I was too embarrassed. I teleported to the place I felt like I needed too.

I just felt this weird connection, I needed to go there. I knew what this place would bring but, it was part of the plan. I just need to get one hit in. I looked around to see if anyone was around, I knew Avery was hiding somewhere around this dark storage room. I moved around the corner and saw Avery working on some weird science stuff.

Avery said, "So, you're accepting my offer". I nodded and he said, "Honey, I can't see you right now you have to speak up". I said strongly, "Yes, I mean why not. I'm already turning evil". Avery turned around and said, "Hm".

I tilted my head and he walked closer. Avery continued, "You know as someone who commits 'evil acts' I don't see it as evil". He started to pace around me and continued, "I think you're lying to me". WHAT, but I'm not. I said, "kay sis sure, what are you doing with these glass bottles right here".

Avery looked at me amused and decided to let it play out. He walked behind me and said, "well, these are the experiments". I looked at them with narrowed eyes and said, "Cool, cool, cool". I nodded and turned around grabbing a glass, I quickly smashed it and sliced Avery's face. Blood?! Avery stepped back smiling, he wiped the blood off his face and said, "So you discovered my secret".

I nodded in shock and said, "You're killing yourself with all these experiments, that's why you're after me right? You need my blood to live, this experimenting was your original plan but know you're dying". Avery sighed and sat down on the table. Okay I guess we're not fighting each other then. I lowered my guard just a little, I watched him carefully. He said, "when I first attacked you was when I found out. As an immortal we can't bleed, I can't die so when you threw me into the counter, nice one by the way".

I clicked my tongue and Avery continued, "I cut my hand on the broken glass, and was bleeding. I freaked out and decided to leave. That was the most I used, my powers in a long time so, I must've strained myself. It just went downhill from there and I started slowly becoming human". My eyes widened "What if I give you my blood, would you leave me alone?".

He turned his head and looked at me shocked and said, "Why?". I sighed and said, "I'm just not into murder". Avery smiled and said, "Sure". I nodded and teleported back to my room leaving a sploosh sound behind. Ash was sitting on my bed waiting so I said, "Avery is dying but he can live if I give him some of my blood".

Ash eyes widened and said, "No, you're not doing that. Can we at least talk it out together before you go make decisions like, meet up with the guy who is prophesied to kill you?". I said, "Look, the only way to get rid of him is murder-". Ash looked furious, he cut me off and said, "THEN DO IT, MAYBE HE DESERVES IT. HE'S THREATENED COUNTLESS LIVES KILLED MORE, HE ATTEMPTED TO KILL MY GRANDMA!".

I was shocked that he was yelling at me, this is a rare occurrence. I didn't want to fight again; I miss our healthy relationship. I closed my eyes, I'm not going to cry over this hold it in, don't let him see you cry. Ash looked at me, it was a long silence. He sighed and said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell, I just need you to understand my side. Maybe now that he is human, we could put him in prison".

I sighed and said, "But he still has powers, we have to do this". I felt like someone was watching, someone was watching. Avery materialized from using that invisibility power. He said, "So you're turning on me like your ancestor, wow you too are just alike. Disgusting, if I would have known you would've been mad then I wouldn't have agreed. You even look like her".

He was staring directly at Ash, I turned to him and said, "Why are you looking at Ash?". Avery smiled and said, "You clearly heard the wrong story, you see your Simon had a huge crush on this girl named Luna. Oh, she was very beautiful, she wasn't my type though. He did everything for that girl, she got that plague that was going around".

Alright this is when I slowly lost what I was trying to do but just bare with me, please for the love of goodies just... pretend you have ADHD when you read the next chapter. 😭

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