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Bold means speech

Bold italics means authors note

Italics means thoughts

Underlined italics means others thoughts

"So, the whole reason I'm getting Ashy right now is to ask you, will you marry me?".

I smiled as I looked at him, he was the most beautiful man I have ever lied eyes on. I looked him in the eyes and said, "Of course". I smiled and jumped on top of him putting him into a bear hug. I laughed and said, "Wait I wanna see the ring put it on!". Ash smiled and said, "Okay sunny".

He slowly slipped the ring onto my finger, and I stared at it mesmerized, it was simple just like I asked, on diamond on silver. Simple yet so beautiful, I felt so warm. I looked up at my fiancé and felt myself cry heavier tears. I laughed and said, "Does my dad know?". Ash said, "No your grandpa told me to ask him first and then he'd work it out with Al". I laughed and said, "Sounds like my grandpa".

       5 years later...

"Bo, can you get them, they're crying again". Ash walked out his office and said, "Yeah, shhh it's okay". I looked over from the tomato I was cutting and said, "Ew you look like such a dad". Ash laughed and said, "Well these are my kids". I smiled and said, "Are they hungry?".

Ash said, "Well I fed Gypsy but, Gray might be". I started working on a bottle and continued to work on my sandwich. I used my telekinesis a lot more now that I'm a mom. Whoever said having kids at twenty-six was a good idea is a huge liar. I checked the temperature of the milk and gave it to Ash, I also handed him a sandwich and said, "We're around that time we can start giving them solid food, so no more bottles".

Ash did a little dance and gave the bottle to Gray. I smiled as I watched him be a father to our kids and said, "We have twins, and their Cancers. This is going to be a roller coaster". Ash said, "Speaking of twins, Genie and Carmen are coming over, they invited the group". I sighed and said, "Which group, small, medium, or large".

Ash sighed and said, "Medium, thankfully, I don't think I can handle your father right now. Ace said he wouldn't be able to make it though, he's busy". I laughed and said, "Imagine having to live with him for twenty-two years". Ash made the pshh noise and shook his head. He checked the amount in the bottle and attempted to burp the baby. I heard the doorbell ring and Farrah walked in.

She has a key since she still cooks for me, I smiled and said, "Hey what's up". Farrah lifted her hand and said, "My hand causes it's about to smack you". I studied her hand a while longer and said, "IS THAT A RING?!". Ash whipped his head around and said, "You two got engaged!". Genie walked in and said, "Hey, Adda how does it feel to have this huge mansion by yourself?".

I locked them both into a hug and they started laughing. Carmen walked in and finger gunned Ash, Freddie walked in behind him and said, "Hey twins it's Uncle Freddie!". He completely ignored everyone else, I sighed and said, "Wow alright, I see how it is. Hey Carmen". Carmen hugged me and said, "I just wanted to spend some time with everyone, so I planned a little surprise get together, at your house".

I laughed and said, "That's alright, everybody loves spending time with the twins anyway so, less work for me". Carmen laughed and said, "Yeah, kids stick to me like a magnet, I don't know why they like me, because I don't like them". I stared at him, and he said, "Except those things". He said it jokingly and I just shook my head and slightly slapped his back while laughing. I walked away and said, "Where is Niko?".

Niko popped in with James and said, "Right here!". I laughed and said, "Dang girl you grew". She rubbed her stomach and said, "I'm almost there, one more month to go". I laughed and said, "Good luck, babies are horrifying". James laughed nervously.

Lili walked in on her phone and said, "Hey guys". I turned around and said, "Girl what bank you hacking into right now?". Lili looked up and said, "Pfft, I'm scared of the government because, you're the government. So basically, you, I'm scared of you". I laughed and said, "No need to be, how's working with social security though".

Lili rolled her eyes and said, "Well nobody respects me because I'm fifteen but, they forget I worked just as hard as they did to get where I am today". Ash hugged Lili and said, "Make them respect you". I looked over to see Freddie and Genie holding the babies. Boss walked in with a child on his back. I looked over and said, "What's popping little Avery".

Avery smiled and said, "I just smashed everyone in a football match". I laughed until I saw blood coming down his nose, I gasped and got a tissue and told him to put his head up. Blue said, "I think he broke his nose, Ash do you mind?". Ash smiled and said "not at all", he put his hand on his nose. He lifted it up and his nose looked better, Avery smiled and said, "Thank you Ashle".

I laughed and I heard, "Ayo pops, you got some gum". I turned around and Lili was taking gum from Boss. I looked out the window waiting for three more people. Just as I turned around the doorbell rang. I smiled and said, "coming!". I smiled and walked for the door, "Hey Auggie!".


Also Ashle isn't Ashley it's a mixture of uncle and Ash for those of you who are confused😌

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