New Beginnings

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Bold means speech

Bold italics means authors note

Italics means thoughts

Underlined italics means others thoughts

"I'm okay don't worry".

     Ash looked me and August back and forth and said, "What's wrong? Why wouldn't you be fine?". Niko said, "Alright time to change the subject-". Ash said interrupting, "No I want to know what's going on". Farrah looked at Ash sternly and said, "Just drop it, she was just telling Auggie she's fine". Ash looked confused and I felt bad so, I placed my cup down and said, "I think it's time to start that talk".

     Ash nodded and I began to walk toward the closet. We used it once, we minds well use it again for privacy. Ash walked into the closet, and I closed it softly, I looked back at Ash, and he looked a little nervous. I sighed and said, "Remember when you got me back from you know being brutally kidnapped by Vre?". Ash looked at me confused and said, "Yeah what- The ice?". 

     I nodded and said, "There is still things that really- It's just hard to get over. I was still suffering from being kidnapped and with that trauma and then Vre... in front of me, it was a lot. Sometimes I feel like I'm still that empty void when all that happened. There is a lot you missed out on and that's why I don't think it's smart for us to get back together right now because, you don't know this me, this me has actual baggage and doesn't just say that because some people wanted to be friends with me just because I had money. This type of stuff really did scare me". Ash looked at me and said, "Okay well, this marks the day we start taking steps to get back where we used to be". I nodded.

2 Months later...

     "WHAT, I'M COMING RIGHT NOW". Freddie said, "You can't just teleport to a hospital". I smirked and said, "Watch me". I teleported to the hospital and walked in guns a blazing. I texted Ash the news and told the front desk man where I was going. 

     He directed me to the room, and I busted in. There I saw the precious face of a newborn. I looked up at Blue and she was smiling so brightly. I said, "Is this little Avery?". Blue said, "I would hope so, unless it's some switched at birth type vibes". 

     I laughed I walked into the bathroom and washed my hands. I came back and said, "Can I hold him?". She nodded and carefully handed me the thing. Just then Boss bust into the door and said, "Okay I got the clothes, for me, you, and our son. I have some snacks just in case the food here sucks. I also brought a katana in case someone tries to hurt you or Avery. I brought a TV just in case the channels suck. Also, I'm currently in an auction for a car". 

     Blue looked at Boss and said, "For what?". Boss looked at Blue endearingly and said, "For our new son". Blue looked at him sternly and said, "Our son is only six hours old, how is supposed to know how to drive?!". I started rocking the baby and said, "Shh you're going to wake him up". Ash walked in and immediately saw me holding the baby. 

     He smiled and I looked down at the baby, you know Avery, you're making me think about new beginnings. Maybe I should give me and Ash a great start, I mean two months is a long time. The thing 

     (I'm sorry, babies scare me I don't like there beaty little eyes. How are they still smiling after being ripped away from there home. Little psychopaths I tell you. You even touch them the wrong way and you could damage them) 

     Avery cooed as if he heard what I was thinking, I looked back up at Blue and said, "Where's Lili?". Blue said, "Downstairs playing chess with the older patients". What an odd nine-year-old. Boss looked at me impatiently and I said, "Wanna hold him?". I looked at Blue and said, "Can he hold him?". 

     Blue laughed and said, "Yeah, Boss is just a danger to himself. He's been acting like this ever since Avery was born. I'm just thankful it wasn't a girl because, I don't want to see how he would be with a girl". I laughed and glanced at Ash; he was looking at me oddly. He had fascination in his eyes. 

     I felt my eyes turn pink, I blinked it back and took a deep breathe. I said, "Ash wanna talk outside?". Ash nodded confused and I looked at Boss. I said, "I should probably give you two privacy since, your new parents. Also, Boss, I'm taking your trail mix".

     Boss nodded and I walked outside, I slid down the wall letting my knees hit my chest like when the toilet seat is up, and you accidentally sit on it. Ash followed, our shoulders touching. I opened the trail mix and we both started to eat it. Ash said, "So, what did you want to talk about?". I looked at him, his face was close because his head was turned looking at me. 

     I turned back around and said, "I've been thinking these last two weeks. It's been so fun, and you're fun. I feel like my old self when you're around, I miss us. With Avery reminding me of hope and new beginnings it's making me think, about giving us a new beginning, as two grown adults". Ash turned and said, "Do you want to go on a date?". I laughed and said, "Yeah of course". I smiled and Ash said, "I've been itching to ask you that question for a while now!". He sighed with relief.

6 months later

"Sunflower meet me at my uncle's shop, something happened!".

Oh Lawd what did Ash get himself into this time🙄💅

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