Rest Now...

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Bold means speech

Bold italics means authors note

Italics means thoughts

Underlined italics means others thoughts

⚠️Mentions of blood, and death, also su*cide, read with caution⚠️

"What are you talking about?".

Ash said, "She is going to die because her life has no meaning to the god's. Since she agreed not to attempt murder upon you now, she is going to die". Avery went silent and said, "Hold on, what are you talking about. Is Adda going to die?!". Avery said, "I JUST FREAKING SAID THAT DID I NOT! FIND A WAY TO FIX THIS OR ADALYN DYING WILL BE THE LEAST OF YOUR WORRIES!". Ash hung up angrily and started pacing in his room.

Avery's POV

Nonononononoonononononono. I must fix this, but how?

Adalyn's Pov

We finally arrived in the house; I had a package waiting at my door, so I grabbed it.  I sat on the couch. I said, "Hey grandma I'm going to my room, I'll be opening the package". She nodded and I began to walk up the stairs. I opened the box, and it was a pair of sweatpants I ordered, I put the box cuter on my couch.

I lied on my back and looked at the ceiling, I did this for so long that the ceiling began to spin. I saw a light flash of red in the corner of my eye and I turned around. "What are you doing? You scared me!". Avery said, "I scared you, you scared me! Who lies on their bed on their back? What are you a psychopath". I laughed and said, "What are you doing here?".

Avery said, "Are you dying?". I went down the innocent road and said, "I mean were all dying some people are just doing a little quicker". Avery said, "I know you're playing dumb. Just- I can help you!". I bobbed my head back in shock and said, "How, there's nothing you can do. I've already accepted it".

Avery said, "I won't let that happen! I've lived 2,000 years. I know a lot of stuff; you only have the privilege of at most 100 years". I shook my head and said, "I won't kill you; I won't lose the last of my humanity so I can live". Avery replied "NO, I WON'T LOSE ANYMORE FRIENDS BECAUSE OF MY PROBLEMS". Avery looked around and grabbed the box cuter and I leaped forward.

He lifted his hand, and my body froze but I was still conscious. I watched him do it, everything. It still plays in the back of my head like a movie on repeat. As soon as the knife went through his stomach, I could move my body again. I said, "WHY DID YOU DO THAT!? GRANDMA HELP PLEASE, HE'S DYING".

I heard footsteps quicken and I pulled off my blanket from my bed and applied pressure. I saw Avery losing consciousness. I said, "Why?". My grandma busted into the room and started calling the ambulance. Avery said, "Did I ever tell you what happened to Luna in the end?".

I shook my head and Avery said, "She died, I killed her. I did it because of jealousy, I felt like she was leaving me behind and-". He tried to sit up, but I forced him down. He continued while he sighed, "I regret that day more than the rest, you'll get your powers back, you'll be alive. I won't kill you like I did to Luna. Besides I'm dying anyway, I told you only me and you can kill me".

He closed his eyes and I yelled, "AVERY!". He gently opened his eyes and said, "Simon? Hey man haven't seen you in 2,000 years. Don't worry I'll see you soon, you and Luna". He closed his eyes one last time, and I bit my lip trying to hold back any emotion I had left. I stared at his lifeless body and said, "He's dead".

No emotion behind it, I dropped his body and said, "Are the ambulance on their way? I need to clean this blood". My grandma looked at me and said, "This isn't the time to be thinking about cleaning!". I sighed and said, "Whatever". I don't remember anything else from that day. All I remember is laying down and going to sleep only to see Avery's lifeless body.

Present Day...

I sighed as I looked at Auggie and said, "Alright well see you next week". Auggie decided to move our sessions to a private room in a library. It felt like he had his own office, he will soon. I got a call and answered it, "Hey Carm, what's up?". Carmen sighed and said, "Well, we were going to pay respects to Aver-".

I cut him off and said, "Don't say his name. I'm not going, I have stuff to do". Carmen said, "Just like last year, and the year before that? Come one Adda it's been three years!". I sighed and said, "Is Ash coming?". Carmen said, "There is a small chance".

I sighed and said, "No, I don't want any chances of seeing his face!". Carmen said, "Fine, don't come. Just stop pushing people away! Stop pushing Ash away". I furrowed my brows and said, "Get out of our business! Pushing him away? He did that to himself! He's the reason why Avery is dead in the first place. He sat there in my face comforting me, knowing he killed Avery".

I looked up and everyone in the library was staring at me. I said, "Stop staring at me!". I'm now known as the psycho princess; they don't know what happened. All they know is they saw my straight face, while the guy from the mall was carried out on a stretcher dead, with his blood on me. I walked out the library and hung up the phone, I walked until I made it into my house.

I went straight to my room and sat on my bed. Crazy enough I still have my powers, I just don't use them, they remind me of him. I heard a knock on the door and Farrah and Niko piled in. I said, "What do you want?". Farrah said, "I just wanna chill with my befriend!".

Niko nodded and sat on my couch. I sighed and said, "I'm not going to his grave!". Niko said, "Adalyn, I know you blame him too but, you have to let go". I shook my head and said, "No, you don't know how this feels". Niko tilted her head and said, "I was the depressed friend".

I sighed and said, "Yeah well now you're the engaged businesswoman who probably makes more money than I do ". Niko smiled and said, "I doubt that". Farrah said, "Well you have to at least spend time with everyone like the old days". I sighed and said, "The old days are old for a reason. I don't want to go back to the old days. I want to be here were, I'm not together with that murderer".

Farrah and Niko glanced at each other and said, "All right then, just promise you'll come to the baby shower". I sighed and said, "Fine but, only because I know you wouldn't have invited me unless Ash wasn't going". Farrah nodded and said "Sure".

oop what's happening.
Who pregnant 💀👀

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