chapter 3 {The child of hydra}

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You woke up feeling exited, today was your first training day. you jumped out of bed and walked to your closet. you grabbed a pair of black leggings and a purple sports bra. you looked at yourself in the mirror, you turned around and looked at your back covered in scars. the words of the hydra agent running through your head. 'who could love a broken girl'. you grabbed an oversized t-shirt and threw it over you sports bra and walked to the gym. Natasha was already waiting for you there. "good morning" she said smiling kindly at you. "good morning" you said back.

you first warmed up a little, Natasha made you do some punches on the boxing bag

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you first warmed up a little, Natasha made you do some punches on the boxing bag. "nice punches, now it's time to fight me" she said. "what" you asked shocked not expecting you had to fight someone. "come on show me what you got" you looked at her hesitating. "I don't think that's a good idea" you said to her. "come on y/n, do you want to remember or not". she said beginning to give you a push. "come on y/n do your worst" she said waiting for you to attack her. you were still hesitant but you gave her a light push. "is that all you've got, I don't believe your that weak y/n". she said before she came running at you and punched you full in your face, she than kicked you in your stomach "ahh" you said in pain, but Natasha didn't stop. "stop" you said but Natasha came running at you again and grabbed your neck and strangled you lightly. you felt rage coming up in you, you grabbed Natasha and threw her to the ground. "stop!" you screamed now angry. "why stop, we've just begun" she said charging at you again punching you again and again. you felt the rage building up in you until you could only see red.

* flashback*

you ran thru the street, tears running down your face. you were 16 and had just ran away from home. you had another fight with your dad, he only ever thought of himself and never listened to you. you ran further down the street and walked to the woods. after a while you were tired of running and sat down on a bench. a sweet looking man came up to you. "are you alright" he asked kindly, sitting next to you on the bench. "no my father is a piece of shit" you said to him still angry at your dad. "well what language for a kid" the man said. "well thank my dad for that" you said to the man. "would you like something to eat" the man asked you. "no thanks I'm not hungry" you lied, you were starving since your dad forgot to make diner again. at that moment your belly rumbled, shit you thought to yourself. "you sure you aren't hungry" the stranger said "come there is a restaurant nearby, I pay". he said smiling at you. he looked nice what's the worst thing that could happen you thought, he surely couldn't be worse than your dad right. "okay" you said walking with the man to the restaurant.

you sat at the table at the restaurant, you were starving luckily the food came quickly. "I'm Elliot" the man said "what's your name?" he asked you. "I'm y/n" you said back. "so y/n, why did you walk away from home". "my dad sucks" you answered while stuffing your mouth full of food like you haven't eaten in days. "well y/n maybe i can help, would you like to be special" the man asked. "what do you mean special" you asked him looking at him intrigued. "I can make you special, so you can make your dad finally listen to you". you looked at the man, that sounded good, being able to make your dad listen to you. "where are we going then" you asked Elliot. "at the edge of the town there is an old building where i work with very special people" he said looking happy you considered it. "how long will it take" you asked him. "maybe a few days a week max." Elliot told you. you thought for a moment "I don't know" you said to him "it's sounds nice but i need to think for a bit" you said to him standing up and walking to the bathroom. you thought hard about the offer. it would be so nice to put your father in his place, but can you really trust this man. ah fuck it your father doesn't care for you, you thought. you looked at your phone and saw you had 12 missed calls and 20 messages from your dad saying he is worried hoping you were safe. he does care for me you thought feeling better already. you send a text to your dad telling him you were coming home. you hit send and walked out to the restaurant to the table were Elliot was still waiting for you. "made up your mind" he asked. yes, I'm sorry, I think i'm just going home my dad is worried about me so that means he does care for me . "that's alright" Elliot said back smiling kindly. "I must go now" you say wanting to walk away. "hey y/n" you hear Elliot say "at least drink your milkshake, would be a shame to pay for it while you haven't even drunk from it yet". he said smiling. you picked it up and drank it. you put the glass back on the table and felt a bit dizzy. you walked wobbling out of the restaurant but then everything went black.

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