chapter 24 {friends}

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* steve's pov*

"I can't get a hold on them" you say worried. everyone has returned to the base camp accept y/n and Bucky. "calm down Rogers they're probably fine" Tony said walking up to you. "what if they fight each other again" you say looking worried around you, hoping they would come walking up. "calm down Rogers, besides it was your plan to pair them together" Tony said back. "yeah i know, I thought it would help them get along, I know they care for each other but they've been ignoring each other, I just thought it would bring them closer together but i'm starting to think it might have done the opposite". "this is all my fault" you hear Wanda say under her breath as she looks down. "what do you mean?" you ask Wanda. "Bucky has been ignoring y/n because i asked him to" Wanda said softly "why?" you asked her confused as to why she would do that. "because i uhh" Wanda said still looking at the ground.

everyone left the 2 of you alone to talk in private. "Wanda why did you do that?" you asked now a bit irritated. "because he is not good for her!" she almost yelled back. "so you're deciding for her now!" you yell back angry, that she made that choice for them. "they care for each other Wanda, I could see the hurt in y/n's eyes when Bucky would ignore her again, how is he bad for her?". "I looked into her mind Steve, you haven't seen what i've seen, he did some fucked up shit to her, he just isn't good for her!" Wanda answered now angry too. "they were at hydra Wanda, they were brainwashed, they didn't make the choices themselves hydra did that for them" you said to her. "it was not just at hydra" Wanda replied now less angry and more like she shouldn't have said that. "what do you mean?" you asked her. "it's nothing never mind" she said looking away. "Wanda tell me!" you ordered her. "I just, aren't you worried about their history together, now that you and y/n are together" she asked almost whispering the words. "why would i" you asked Wanda. "i uhhh" Wanda said "i uhh never mind". "Wanda tell me!" you yelled again, wanting to know why she did what she did.

"do you know what causes her powers Steve?" Wanda asked you. "yes, strong emotions right?" you answer. "well yes and when do they, you know come out" she asked softly. "what do you mean?" you asked her. "what are you 2 doing when her powers come out Steve!" she asked knowing fully well you understood the question the first time. "we uhhh" you stutter. "say it! what are you doing when y/n's powers come out Steve!" she asked again irritated. "well we uhhh, we have sex" you answer, your cheeks turning red. "that night in her cell" Wanda begins "her powers weren't triggered by a nightmare, but by Bucky" Wanda said looking at the ground again. "wait your saying that they.." you said looking at Wanda. "yes Steve, they fucked, that's what caused her powers to come out that night" she said.

you sat down not knowing what to think about it. "I'm sorry Steve" Wanda said softly looking up at you "I just couldn't let the thing you and y/n have together be ruined by someone who hurt her so much in the past. that's why i asked Bucky to stay out of y/n's life. she is just so happy with you Steve. I know it was wrong to ask Bucky to stay away from her but i was just looking out for y/n." "I understand" you said back softly. "I'm sorry it's just" Wanda began. "it's okay Wanda, you were just looking out for her" you said back. "i sorry for not telling you about y/n and Bucky earlier" she said "it's okay Wanda really, it's not like y/n and i were officially together so it isn't a big deal right" you say more to yourself than to Wanda. "you can still be angry" Wanda said. "I know i just don't know what to feel right now, I just need a moment" you say standing up and walking outside.

you just sat outside, staring up to the sky above you, it started to get dark. you had no idea how you felt on one side you were still worried about Bucky and y/n. and on the other side you couldn't stop thinking of what they might be doing right now. maybe they were.... you didn't understand, why didn't it anger you, thinking about y/n and Bucky together. why didn't it bother you to think about them fucking each other, why didn't it make you jealous or raging with anger. "are you okay" Natasha said sitting next to you. "I heard what happened from Wanda, how are you" she asked. "weirdly, i'm okay" you answered "I'm just worried at where they are now, I just hope there okay" you answered. "they survived worse you know, they'll be fine Steve" she said. "I guess your right" you said looking at the ground just really wanting y/n by your side now and wanting to hug her. "if you need someone to talk to, I'm here" Natasha said looking worried at you. "thanks Nat, but really I'm fine, I just hope they are safe".

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