chapter 8 {remember me}

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* tony's pov*

you looked at the girl laying in the bed before you. she was stable now and needed some rest so she could hopefully make a full recovery.

 she was stable now and needed some rest so she could hopefully make a full recovery

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you saw it now, she looked like her mother. with tears in your eyes you remember that day.

* flashback*

you were working as always when y/n came home. "hey dad" you heard her say, to busy with your work to say anything back. y/n came walking into your work room. "dad you should really just relax for a day or 2" she said a bit of a worried look on her face. "you know i can't do that y/n" you replied. all you did for the last 4 years was work, it healed the pain after the love of your life died. well it didn't really heal the pain it just made it so you didn't have to deal with it. "you know mom is not going to come back if you keep working right" she said to you. "you need to let her go dad, she has been gone for over 4 years now, you need to get over it". "I need to get over it!" you yelled at her "she was the love of my life y/n and they took her from me". "don't project your sadness and anger on me" y/n now yelled back, now angry at you. "I just want to help you dad" she said in a calmer voice. "yeah sure" you replied "like when you tried to help your mom when she was killed in front of you, did you even tried to help her" you screamed at your daughter. you saw her eyes starting to water, you knew you've made a mistake by saying that and you didn't even mean what you said. she ran away crying "y/n wait" you screamed after her. "shit" you said to yourself running after her, you heard the front door close. you ran outside to see if she was there but she was already gone.

you walked back inside and made some food "ah shit" you said out loud, you forgot to make her diner again and it was already 10. you decided to make some for her for when she returned. you sat on the couch, after an hour or 2 you really started to worry, you called her on her phone again and again, leaving her messages but she didn't respond. she's probably at a friend's house you thought. at that moment you heard you got a message on your phone, it was from y/n [I'm on my way home, be there in 15 minutes] she texted. you calmed down and fell asleep on the couch. you woke up from a knock on your door, you stood up and opened the door. your heart sank when you saw who was at your door. there were 2 police officers at your door, your eyes began to water and you started to panic. 4 years ago there were 2 officers at your door too with y/n by their side. you remember y/n crying and the officers telling you your wife was killed.

you looked at the officers who stood at your door now. "are you mister Stark" one of the officers asked. "yes i am" you said trying to fight back the tears. "I'm sorry mister Stark but your daughter died in a car accident, there are no remains of her body found" the officer said. you couldn't believe what they said. "thanks officer" you said in shock. "our condolences sir" they said as they walked away. you closed the door an screamed at the top off your lungs. not sure if you could ever move on after this. this world was so full of evil, the 2 purest and sweetest people you knew died in the hands of others. never again could you let this happen, you thought while crying yourself to sleep. after that day you never told anyone about your wife and daughter, no one could find out you were too weak to protect the ones you loved. you could never let this happen again.

*end flashback*

you walked out of the room, eyes red from thinking back to that lonely time. after that day you completely focused on your work, working to make the world a better place and making sure you were ready to protect the ones you loved. "are you okay Tony" Natasha asked when you walked in the room. you said nothing and sat down in a chair. everyone was looking at you waiting for you to say something, anything. "it's all my fault" you said almost whispering to yourself "I just believed them". "believed who?" Natasha asked you "the 2 officers, they told me she was in a car accident, that there were no remains of her body left" you said looking to the ground. " I should have known something was off about it" you now said more angry. "it isn't your fault Tony" Steve said eyes still red from crying. "it is!" you yelled at him. "NO IT ISN'T!" Steve now screamed back trying to make you listen to him. "hydra is smart Tony, they know how to make people disappear they can even make people look dead, without anyone ever knowing there not". "I should have looked for her, I'm a horrible father" you said in a normal tone now. "stop feeling so sorry for yourself, you've got your daughter back and she could probably use her dad right now, so just forget the past and spent some time with her now" Natasha said irritated to you. "your right Romanoff" you said. the room fell silent as you all tried to proses what happened in the last hours.

*your pov*

you sat alone in your cell at hydra, the soldier was gone. you felt a sharp pain in your stomach, you looked at where it came from but you saw nothing. then you heard something in the distance, a song. you knew the song, someone used to sing it to you when you had a nightmare. it always helped to calm you down. after your mom died you had nightmare regularly but this song just calmed you down. you listen to it singing along in your head as the hydra cell slowly faded.

* steve's pov *

"you sure this will wake her up Tony" you asked him. "I used to sing it to her when she had nightmares when she was younger, it calmed her down every time, if something is going to wake her up it's this" Tony said leaving the room. you looked at y/n she was so strong. you grabbed her hand, you felt it move. you looked up at y/n and saw her slowly open her eyes. "Steve" she said softly, smiling at you. "hi your awake" you said as you kissed her forehead, glad that she was okay.

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