chapter 7 {the mission}

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"Jarvis, check her vitals" tony said rushing you into the lab. "she isn't stable sir, she is losing to much blood" Jarvis said as Bruce and tony were busy hooking you up on the medical devises. "how long does she have Jarvis". "maximum of 30 minutes, she is losing to much blood, we need to have someone transfuse some blood otherwise she will bleed out" Jarvis replayed. "okay Jarvis what's her blood type and look who matches it." Tony asked Jarvis. "sir, we have a problem". "what is it Jarvis" tony asked. "it seems like she had a rare blood condition, the only ones who can donate blood to her, is her family". "rogers lab now" tony screamed. "do you know y/n's full name or did she mention knowing who her family is" tony asked Steve. "no, she didn't remember" Steve said with tears in his eyes. "shit" tony replied, thinking how he could fix this. "Jarvis take a DNA sample from her and show me all close matches, we need to find a living relative fast!".


you sat at your cell at hydra. the ground was cold and your wrists hurt from the chains that they tied you to. you were just sitting there cold, hungry and in pain, yet you didn't feel like you did a year ago, when hydra brought you in. you felt less and more just empty inside. "happy 18th birthday" the soldier said from within his cell. "how do you know it's my birthday, how do you even know what day it is?" you asked the soldier. "I remembered you said to me that it was your birthday in a week when they took you here, and that was exactly 372 days ago" he said smiling at you. "see i count the days, and this little star here is your birthday" he said proudly showing the wall behind him. in the wall were lines carved 1 for each day, he must have been here for way longer than you thought because almost the whole wall was covered in the tiny lines. "if we ever get out of here i buy you something nice" he said looking at you a bit of hope in his eyes. "deal" you said smiling at him. in a year you and the winter soldier had more conversations together, you even stared to trust each other. then the door opened and a hydra agent came in "take them" he ordered a few other agents. you were roughly taken out of your cell but this time they didn't bring you to the training room, the took you to an office, where the red faced man was waiting for you 2. "good morning soldier, good morning darling" he said looking at you two. "do you like the change of scenery" he asked you. you didn't move and didn't say anything back, you felt scared normally you knew what to expect but right now, now you didn't know what was going to happen and that terrified you. "so here's the deal" he began to speak "you 2 are going on a mission for me". you looked at the soldier next to you, finally you could fight together instead of fighting each other. "I need you to get something for me" the man continued "you are going to get me this file, but you can't kill or hurt anyone, no one can see you and they can't find out that it's missing! is that clear" he asked you. you nodded your head. "good, PREP THEM!' he shouted and 2 agents grabbed your arms. "oh i forgot to tell you" the red faced man said. "if anything goes wrong, I'm going to kill the person who's responsible". you swallow hard, you couldn't fail.

the hydra agents put you on a chair, above the chair hung a metal device. it looked a bit like the things you had seen at the hair salon, but you knew for sure you wouldn't get a haircut. they placed a metal band around your head and turned the metal dives aiming at you. they stared speaking in a language you didn't recognized. then you felt a sharp pain all around your head, like needles were shot into your head. you screamed out in pain, but after a few moments the pain vanished, all your feelings vanished, the only thing you remembered was the mission. "get the file, don't let anyone see you or you're dead" you heard yourself say out loud, it sounded more like a computer than a human.

an hour later you were on a helicopter. you sat next to the winter soldier. "you drop in 5" you heard someone shout from the front of the helicopter. the soldier grabbed a parachute and started to strap it on him. you had no idea what to do, you never jumped out of a plain before. "turn around" the soldier said. you looked at him, he had that empty look in his eyes again. you just did what he said and turned around. he stepped closer to you standing behind you now. you could feel his breath in your neck, you felt chills run down your spine. he strapped you in close to him. you felt safe in his strong arms. "now" the man in the front of the helicopter said, bringing you back to the here and now and out of the trance hydra had put you in. before you knew it the soldier jumped out the helicopter taking you with him. you screamed when you fell down, free falling for 5 minutes. the parachute opened and you looked around, everything looked so beautiful from up here. even tho you were on a mission for hydra, for the first time you

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