chapter 9 {family}

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* your pov*

you opened your eyes, Steve was sitting next to your bed. "Steve" you said softly, looking into his beautiful blue eyes. 

"hi you're awake" he said and gave you a kiss on your forehead

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"hi you're awake" he said and gave you a kiss on your forehead. you looked around you and saw medical devises stand all around you. you tried to sit up "ah shit" you hissed in pain, feeling a sharp pain in your stomach. "hey easy" Steve said "just lay down for now "he said helping you lay down again. "do you remember anything of what happened" he asked you. "I got a phone call, it was hydra, they knew where i was" you said thinking back at yesterday. "I needed to go back to them, or they were uhh, they were going to kill you" you said softly feeling tired. "that's everything that i remember" you said. "did i do it, did i go?" you asked Steve worried what he thought of it, if you did. "yeah you did go to hydra, we came to get you and then a hydra agent stabbed you" Steve explained.

then Tony walked in "y/n!" Tony said in a relieved tone. "you are awake, how do you feel, are you alright" he asked you not being the asshole you knew him as, then it clicked. "oh no" you said to yourself the 2 man looked at you confused. "oh no i'm dead" you said out loud. "no your alive" Steve said looking really confused. "why would you think you're dead" Steve asked you. "because he's nice to me, the real Tony would never be this nice to me" you said. Steve looked at Tony "you should tell her Tony" Steve said. "you don't have to tell me, I already know i'm dead, I thought it would feel different tho, but it's fine" you said. "you're not dead y/n" Tony spoke. "I have to tell you something and you really need to listen to me, okay?" he said looking at you. "do you know your full name" he asked stepping closer to you. "of course i don't know Tony!" you replayed angry. "I was brainwashed by hydra, I don't even remember my own family" you said feeling sad now thinking about it. "I know who your family is" Tony said looking at you a bit nervous. "well enlighten me than" you said not believing him. "your full name is y/n Stark and you are my daughter". you looked at him in shock "well that makes a lot of sense" you said, Tony looked at you confused. "what makes sense?" Tony said. "well you're a asshole and my dad was an asshole to, 1+1=2 right" you said, you saw Tony's face change and he just left the room. "what's his deal?" you asked Steve. Steve just looked at you "well uhhh" he said not knowing what to say. "that was a joke right?" you asked Steve not believing what Tony told you. "he isn't my dad, is he?" you asked Steve waiting for an answer. "well he actually is" he said. "can you leave me alone for a moment" you asked Steve. "of course" he said standing up but looking a bit worried at you "if you need anything you can push that red button and i will come, okay". "okay, thank you Steve" you said smiling softly at him. "I'm glad you're okay" Steve said before leaving the room.

'your my daughter' echoed through your head. Tony Stark your dad, it would explain why he looked familiar to you when you met him. but still you couldn't fully place it, why couldn't you remember. your mind race a 100 miles an hour, why couldn't you just remember, come on y/n remember you thought to yourself. you were going crazy you needed to remember and you knew only one way how to, you needed to fight. you pulled the iv out of your arm and went to the gym, luckily there was no one there. you began punching the boxing bag , harder and harder each time. you felt the pain in your stomach and your knuckles began to bleed from the punches. "damnit y/n remember!" you screamed.

*steve's pov*

you left y/n's room and went to look for Tony. you walked to the lab, Tony was sitting behind his desk. "are you okay" you asked him walking into the lab. "I'm fine Rogers" he said clearly not meaning what he said. "I'm fine with my daughter not remembering me, I'm fine with her calling me an asshole, and i'm totally fine knowing she was alive the whole time without me knowing and not only that but she's been tortured while i was alive to safe her, so yes i'm totally fine" Tony said with tears in his eyes and a sad tone. "I was just trying to help" you replayed. "I'm sorry Rogers" Tony said, you could see how much it hurt him now that he knew. "it's just been a lot to take in" he said. "I understand" you said "just give it some time, if you need anyone to talk to i'm here". "thanks Rogers" Tony said.

you stood up to walk away when an alarm went off. "shit" you heard Tony say. "what's happening?" you asked him. "it's linked to y/n's medical devises" Tony said a worried look in his eyes. you both ran to y/n's room but she was gone. "shit" you said running thru the halls to look for her. you and Tony ran passed the gym and saw her sitting on the floor. you looked worried at the girl before you. she sat in the middle of the room, her knuckles bleeding, a lost look in her eyes and her stomach wound bled again."oh my god" you said running to her "what happened are you okay". "I just wanted to remember" she said while tears ran over your face. "come on" you said lifting her up slowly and carried her back to her room. "you will remember one day" you said to her hoping it would calm her down. "just don't do this again, don't hurt yourself like this, okay?" you asked her. "I thought it would help me remember" she said her eyes still looking a bit empty. "you thought you would remember by hurting yourself?" you asked wanting to understand what was going on in her mind right now. "yes" she replied almost in a whisper. "just promise me you'll never do that again" you said with a more demanding tone. "I'm sorry" was all she could say back. you slowly laid her down in her bed again. "I'm gonna make you something to eat, don't do anything stupid until i get back" you said as you walked away.

*your pov*

you felt irritated that you couldn't remember, you looked at your bloody knuckles, feeling guilty for letting Steve worry about you. the sad look in his eyes when he saw you like that, you never want him to look at you like that again. there was a knock at your door. "come in" you said. Tony walked in "before you send me away, I just want to show you something". "alright" you said "it's not like i have anything else to do" you said back. Tony grabbed a chair and put it next to your bed. you could now see that he carried a book with him. he opened it and you saw an old photo of your mom with Tony holding a baby. "that's you" Tony said pointing at the baby. "you were just born, it was the best day of my life" he said smiling at the photo. "I remember her" you said pointing at your mom on the photo. "she was the sweetest woman I've ever met" Tony said with tears in his eyes. "she was killed" you said "we were in the car, that man killed her" you said feeling tears fill your eyes. "yes" Tony said in a sad tone "that's right". "I had a nightmare about it" you told Tony. "that song that was playing when i woke up, I remember someone singing it to me when i would have a nightmare, to calm me down" you said looking at him. "yes" Tony said now smiling at you "your mom loved that song, every time you had a nightmare i would sing it to you until you fell back asleep, worked every time" he said smiling, looking at his daughter really seeing the resemblance with her mom now.

you looked through the book together, Tony would tell you the stories behind the pictures and tell you stories about your youth. "I'm sorry Tony" you said. "sorry for what?" he asked. "for not remembering you" you said looking to the ground. "it's okay" he said "at least you know i'm telling the truth now" he said. "yes, thanks for showing me" you said thankful that he showed you. "luckily we can make new memories together now, if you want that too" he said looking hopeful to you, hoping you would like that too. "as long as you don't act like the asshole , I would really like that" you said smiling up at him. he smiled back at you, his eyes lighting up. "now, get some rest" Tony said standing up ready to leave. "Tony?" you asked him "can i borrow that book?" you asked him. "of course" Tony said laying the photo book on your night stand. "sleep well kid" he said as he opened the door "goodnight Tony".

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