chapter 19 {in your mind}

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*your pov*

you woke up in your own room, you looked confused around you. "good morning beautiful" you heard Steve say, you turned around, he stood in the doorway. "why am i not in that cell" you asked him. "it isn't needed anymore" he replied. "what do you mean, I still have powers, I don't want to hurt anyone, I can't control them Steve" you said. Steve walked towards you, he sat in front of you on the bed and grabbed your hands. "Wanda agreed to train you, to help you control it" he said looking into your eyes. "and what about those man that were killed, am i no longer a suspect" you asked Steve hopeful. "I'm sorry y/n, your still a suspect, well in fury's eyes, he agreed that you no longer needed to stay in that cell if you promise to stay at the compound". "okay" you answered, hugging Steve. "everything is going to be okay" he whispered in your ear. "Wanda is waiting for you in the lab" Steve said before kissing you. "she maybe has to wait a little longer" you said whispering in Steve's ear and kissing him passionately, putting your hands under his shirt running your fingers over his abs. "hmm, I like that idea, but" he said pulling away "I was already late with waking you up, you just look so cute when you sleep" he said booping your nose. "now go" he said smiling at you. "fine, but i finish what i started later" you say winking at him. "I can't wait" Steve said winking back.

you walked to the lab, Wanda and your dad were already waiting. "what took you so long?" Wanda asked. "Steve woke me up to late" you answered. "oh did he? or did you 2 do something else first" Tony said smiling at you. "NO!" you said "and that's none of your business dad". you looked at him with an serious look on your face. "okay i was just joking" he said back. "okay, before we start we need to run some tests" Wanda said. "what kinds of tests? " you asked. "to see where your powers came from, Steve came up with an theory yesterday, you said that hydra gave you shock therapy right?" Tony asked you. "yes" you said back, confused what that had to do with it. "we think that's where you powers came from" Tony continued "so did you feel any different after they shocked you?" he asked you. "yes, I felt like i was going to die, but unfortunately i didn't!" you yelled back. "I'm sorry for asking you these questions y/n, I know you rather forget about everything that has to do with hydra, but this can really help you with figuring out your powers" Tony said softly. "I know, i'm sorry but i really don't want to go back into that headspace dad". "I understand" Tony said back. "if it's okay with you, I can look into your mind" Wanda said "than you don't have to think about it". "you sure you want to do that Wanda, it's a really messed up place, and i know you don't have good memories about hydra either" you said looking at her. "well at least i made a conscious choice to work with hydra" she said probably feeling stupid she did. "but i can do this y/n, if it's going to help you i'm prepared to do it" she said smiling at you. "okay if you're sure, it's fine with me" you said hoping she could handle it. "go sit in the chair and relax" Wanda said "close your eyes". she placed her hands on your head. "you really sure Wanda?" you asked again, making sure she could handle it. "I can take it y/n, just relax" she said as you closed your eyes.

*wanda's pov*

you looked into y/n's mind, she was right is was a messed up place. there were a lot of black spots, which usually meant people couldn't remember specific details, but this, this was a whole other level of not remembering. okay Wanda focus you thought to yourself. you entered the first memory. you saw y/n crying in a cell, she looked young she probably was around 16/17, in the background you could hear someone scream, the memory became dark, blacked out which meant she didn't remember this bit, a moment later you saw her again 2 hydra agents picking her up and dragging her to a room which looked like a gym or a sort of fighting ring. you saw how she had to fight against Bucky, well back then he was the winter soldier and he didn't go easy on her.

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