you held the phone to your ear, you were too scared to put it down. "how are you darling" the voice said. "how did you get my number" you asked. "oh darling you really thought we wouldn't find you, nice room by the way, nice queens sides bed with clean white sheets, ah looking up tony an your laptop i see". a chill went down your spine. they really knew where you were and even scarier they were watching you right now. "so this is how it's gonna go" the voice said "meet me at the bench in the woods tonight at midnight, come alone!" the voice said. "what if i don't" you asked trying to sound confident. "oh you better come darling, or that new friend of yours; Captain America dies!" the line went dead. you let your phone fall to the ground in shock. you really didn't wanna go back to that place, not now you had a taste of what actual life was like, what friends were and what happiness could look like. but at the same time you couldn't let Steve die. you had no choice you needed to go.
Steve knocked on your door "you're ready to train" his voice scared you. "oh sorry didn't mean to scare you, are you coming" he asked. "yes I'm coming, give me 5 minutes I'll be there" you said to him. "okay 5 minutes and not a minute later" he said smiling at you, he then walked away. you picked yourself up acting like nothing happened and got dressed. "you're 1 minute late" Steve said as you walked in, not looking at you, he was punching the boxing bag. "since your late, i want to see 50 push up's" he said turning around to face you with an serious and strict look on his face. you liked it when he was using his serious voice, it made him even hotter in your eyes. after the push up's you did some fight training. there were still no memories getting back to you. after the training you and Steve decide to take a walk.
"you're quieter than normal" Steve said when you sat down on a bench. "I'm just trying to figure stuff out" you said looking to the ground. "care to share what's on your mind" he said looking at you. "it's just, did you ever feel happy but at the same time you know it will be destroyed as fast as it came" you said looking into Steve's eyes. "you think something bad is going to happen?" he asked you. "I don't know, it's just this feeling like all of this isn't real and i can wake up any moment in my cell at hydra and being taken to fight for them again, and them hurting me". you looked down at your hands, knowing fully well this was actually going to happen after tonight. Steve took your hands in his "what part of this doesn't feel real to you" he asked you, looking into our teary eyes. "you" you said almost whispering "the way you believe in me like nobody else ever did, while i don't deserve it". "you do deserve it y/n, you are so strong and you don't even know it" he said moving closer to you "you are amazing" he whispered his lips inches away from yours. your mind went black as Steve kissed you. you close your eyes as his lips touched yours. you could only think about his lips touching yours and how great it felt. but you then realized what would happen tonight and you pushed him away slowly, knowing you couldn't leave him like this. "we should head back" you said acting like nothing happened. "I'm sorry y/n i didn't mean to" Steve began to say but you already stood up and walked away to the avengers compound. when you got back you immediately went up to your room.
*steve's pov*
when you were back at the compound y/n immediately went up to her room, without saying a word to you. which made you feel like you've made a mistake. "what happened" Natasha said grinning at you. "what do you mean" you asked her "you're blushing like crazy" Nat said, which probably made you blush even more. "no!" Natasha almost screamed "did you finally made a move rogers" she said smiling punching your shoulder playfully. "I kissed her" you told Natasha but looking a bit worried. "she didn't like it?" Natasha asked confused. "I don't know, she kissed me back at first but then pushed me away, don't you think she's been acting weird today". you asked Natasha. "is she acting weird or did you just got rejected rogers". Nat said jokingly. "no, well i don't know, she's been acting weird since the team got back". "well they weren't all that nice to her this morning, maybe that's just it, I'll go check on her" Natasha said. "thanks Nat" you said as Natasha walked to y/n's room.

who could love a broken girl {SteveRogersXReader} {BuckyXReader}
Fanfiction{steve rogers x reader} {bucky x reader} y/n was 16 when she was kidnaped by hydra. years later she is found in an hydra base by the avengers. she is brought back with the avengers and becomes friends with them, she even falls for one of them. all i...