Chapter 12: The End

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Passing each seconds, A void in my heart

Ren went into a coma.

He had been unconscious for days that they needed to move him to the hospital. Lucas explained everything to everyone. What happened to Ren. What Dan requested from him. Even Clara knows.

Lucas told them that Ren's unconsciousness was probably just a side effect. He had done this spell before and it was common for after effect after having your memories erased. But, he didn't expect it would be this long. Usually, it would take a couple of hours of sleep, then everything would be fine.

At first, Lucas disagreed when Dan asked him to erase Ren's memories. He didn't want to mess with Ren's mind. But after hearing Dan's reason, this was actually a safer path. The effect of getting rejected would be severe, from the pain, from the memories. It would hurt much worse if they had formed an attachment.

When Ren finally woke up on the fifth day, Lucas looked the most relieved.

Ren said his head had been constantly hurting and he was having a hard time remembering what happened these past few months. The doctor said it was a minor memory loss from the accident. Their family doctor was actually an ex-hunter, like Clara. The one who helped Rey and Gina treat their wounds when they got it after a job. It was easy to ask for cooperation.

So, the story that they told Ren up is that he had a minor car accident when he walked home on the weekend. When he fell, he hit his head and thus caused his memory loss. Ren looked bewildered by the story the first time he heard it. A dumb story that should be treated as a joke. Nevertheless, the twins were very nervous when telling him and kept their ground. In the end, Ren just accepted what was told.

Ren asked to go home. He said he felt fine, feeling stuffy at the hospital. The doctor said he could return if there were no other side effects for another three days.

"I'm okay dad. It's just a minor accident. You don't need to come here," Ren assured Oliver. They were currently talking through a video call.
Oliver was surprised by the news and had been checking up every day in between his hectic schedule. Oliver looked at his youngest child, full of concern. "Ren, if you want to escape from your love problems, you can always come here and stay with me," Oliver said.

The room that was filled with three people now fell silent. Rey looked nervous while Lucas just averted his gaze by looking through the window.

Ren's chuckle broke this silence. "What are you talking about, dad? Why would I have any love problems? I never date anyone."
Oliver looked surprised and slightly panicked, like he just remembered something. "Ah, right," he awkwardly replied. Clara had told him about Ren's situation, that he broke up with Daniel, that he got into an accident and lost several parts of his memories. It was best for him to not remember. 

"Sir, the meeting will start soon," a voice was heard from Oliver's side.
"Go back to work dad, see you later," Ren initiated.
"Sorry, buddy. I'll call you again later," Oliver said. Ren answered with a nod and the video call ended. 

Ren closed his phone and slumped back to his pillow, looking a little pale.

"Tired?" Rey asked. Ren nodded, then Rey helped adjust the bed to the sleeping position and tugged him in. "Go to sleep, Ren. We have to leave," Rey said, kissing Ren's forehead.

"I'll stay until Clara returns," Lucas announced and then sat at the chair at the bedside. They never let Ren be alone throughout the day. Someone would accompany him in turns. Even in his sleep.
Rey just nodded and soon left the room.

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