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(Y/n) pov:


I slowly sat up to see a slime Cuddling with me aww he sleeping with me...God I need to claim this man ugh....slime? Either way I want to be his wife already!

"cute...I hope you meant what you said when we were dieing...I like you Soooo much"

The slime blush red hearing my words

"I-I like you too..."

my mind went blank for a hot second He wasn't sleeping?! Ah! He heard and answered me as well maybe I can push it a bit more-

"Rimuru I have fallen for you for a VERY long time...Please go out with me and be my boyfriend!"

I blush out of embarrassment.

Rimuru pov:

My heart skip a beat she meant it,She really meant ,"Yes!, I would love to be your boyfriend!"

I hop into her arms crying after 37 years of being single I finally have a girlfriend! (Y/n) hugs me crying as well, when we both stop crying we just lay there hugging um... with (y/n) hugging me.

"how long were you up?" (Y/n) asked

"I never slept in the first place, turns out slimes can't sleep hah.."

she hugs me closer to her chest which I enjoy very much (this slime is waaay into elfs lol)

"Aw I feel so bad...Wait s-s-so you heard everything?!"

she looks at me with them beautiful (e/c) of hers "yep, heard every single word!"

She buried her face into my slime body out of embarrassment.

"Oh before I forget the Direwovles are on our side now"

(Time skip)

Morning came

what now? Who's gonna look after not only the Goblins,but all these pups,too? I guess their numbers are about the same. Then...

"Okay, listen up!"

They all look at me,"So, I'm going to have you all pair up and live together!"

They all have confusion in their faces"pair...up?" They all said.

"Do you understand?"

"Great Rimuru, what does'pair' mean, exactly?" The elder said look to Rimuru weakly.

"It means to form groups of two."

The Goblins and Direwovles looked at one other,"goups...of two?" They all had confusion as the Goblins start to be in pairs with the Direwovles.

"Yesterday's enemy is today's friend! You're all to work together and get along as friends from now on! Got it?"

"Yes sir!"

Help each other out, and make I work."

I sigh that settles things for now...

"So,um...what's going to be important now is food,shelter, and clothing. We should form teams to hunt for food,build houses,and strengthen the village defenses. We'll start with..."

What was his name again? Wait,do they even have names?

"Hey,what are all of your names,anyways?"

"We monsters do not normally have names. Even without names,we can still communicate our thoughts to one another."

"Oh,really?But it's more convenient to have names,so I'd like to name you all.Is that okay?"

They all gasp 😲.

"N-Name us? A-Are you certain?"

Now I was a bit confuse,"S-Sure." They all cheered even (y/n) that was behind me watching cheered with them which made me more confused.

Why are they so excited over something as simple as getting a name?

They all got in a line in front of me as I sat on (y/n)'s lap.

"Okay, we'll start with you.Hmm,let's see...what did you call the son you had who died in battle?"

"Rigur." The elder said

Rigur,huh? Then you'll be Rigurd.


The elder who is now named Rigurd tear up,"Thank you so much! I am so moved!"

R-Really? I just picked it because it had the same sound...

"you'll inherit your brother's name:Rigur."

The Goblin that always wears the red hat who is now name Rigur us very happy." Yes sir!"

"I'm so grateful that my son has been allowed to inherit Rigur's name!"Rigurd spoke.

"aww thats so sweet Rimuru" (y/n) said with that elf smile of hers. She pats my head,"Thank you so much!" Rigur and Rigurd both said as they bow to me.

(Y/n) pov:

As time when on Rimuru started to get lazy with naming which got him a hit on the head from me as he should, more time pass on, then Rimuru finally finish naming all the Goblins and it was now the Direwovles turn. A pretty cute doggo- I mean Direwovle is up first.

He's the son of the Direwovlf boss, isn't he? Rimuru thought to himself I still wonder why I can read his mind.

"All right your name is Ranga!" Rimuru said

aww he likes it,The doggo likes it! Look at him go his tail waging-awww I thought

"Huh? R-Rimuru your melting!"

I panic and so did the others, Rigurd said its because his magicule is low from naming everyone. We made a little shrine for him as he recover in it I fell asleep next to his little shrine,so did everyone else.

Ah my poor hands typing this much on phone was pain indeed hope yall enjoy! And should I post more of my art on here? Let me know!

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