😱 drama😱

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Three days later...

Rimuru pov:

"Full recovery!"I said happily

"oh, Great Rimuru! Good morning! Said a pretty cute girl.


"You seem to be all better."

"Who's this?"

"I'll go get Elder Rigurd."

"uh,okay." She walks out of the hut leaving a very confused slime.

Did this village have a girl that cute in it?"

"Great Rimuru! Have you awakened?!"

"Oh,Rigurd! That woman who... was... just..." I turn to see a very buff and tall man not seeing the old elder Goblin that was the leader of the Goblins until I came along.

"Who are you?!" He had a wide smile on his face.

"I am Rigurd."

"What happened in the last three days?!" I said very surprised.

"It's because you gave us names!"

"Just from that?!"

"Becoming a monster with a name raises one's rank as a monster and causes one to evolve!"

"I-I see..." Rigurd was flexing the whole time.

"So that's why you were all so happy just to be getting names." No wonder that sucked up my magicules dry...Just then a explosion came right in front of me

"Master, allow me to express my utmost joy at your recovery!"

That...horn...The star on your forehead..."

You're Ranga,right?"Yes!" Ranga wag his tail so fast and so hard that it blow me away as well as the rest of the poor hut.

(Y/n) pov:

Aww their all cheering for Rimuru recovery how cute.

The now evolved Goblins cheered and the now evolved Direwovles howled as they lift Rimuru up in the air.

(Little time skip)

Rimuru,Ranga and I are out in a grass field,"Woo!" I run around the pure clean grass enjoying the freedom I now have. I turn my head and it seems like Rimuru is looking at me while talking to Ranga I can't hear what they were talking about but the doggo- I mean Ranga was waging his tail and blow Rimuru right into my chest then we both started to roll down the Grass field that was also a hill Apparently. Poor doggo- Ranga was following us down and apologizing

Well,the evolving isn't so bad and so is this position in (Y/n)'s chest.

I blush unable to slap the slime out of him since we're rolling down a long hill.

The problem is what to do about food,shelter,and clothing to sustain both the Goblins and the wolves...

we both fall off a cliff that at the bottom of the hill. I took Rimuru off my chest and used him as a pillow to break my fall.

"That was close one!"

Hey you used me to break your fall!" Rimuru complain.

"y-yeah but you survived since your a slime,I'm just a poor elf that has no idea how to use her power or have a talking skill like someone here has!"

I got off of him and pick him up placing him on my head and start to find our way back to the village.As we got there Rimuru gathered everyone for a meeting as I was sitting with him on my lap,

"Right,it took five minutes for you to quite down."They didn't get my best joke?!"

"Of course they didn't you Idiot we are from the different world plus it's not that funny" I whispered to him.

"Great Rimuru, what did you mean by that?,"

"F-Forget about it. As you can see, we're a huge family now.So to avoid problems, I think we should set some rules." Rules? I thought,"Rules?" Everyone said.

"There are three rules."

Rimuru made a little hand of out his body with showing 3 fingers up,"I'd like you to uphold them,at the very least. First,no attacking humans. Second, no fighting amongst yourselves. Third,no belittling other races. That's it." It was quiet until Rigur rised his hand,


"Yes, Rigur-kun!"

"Why aren't we allowed to attack humans?"

I looked at Rimuru with a we need to talk later look.

"H-Hey! Rigur!"Rigurd said

"It's because I like humans. That's it!"

"I see! Now I understand!"

(Time skip if you read the manga or watch the anime then u know how the rest goes)

After the meeting was over and Rimuru gave them all jobs we went to our hut for the talk.

"So you wanted to talk (Y/n)?"


"What's up?"

" The first rule...you know humans are going to attack us no matter what...right?"

"(y/n) if we stay out of their way we'll be fine"

"But people won't care if we are in their way or not they'll crash us for their enjoyment"

"(y/n) that won't happen I'll make sure of it."

" You can't predict the future Satoru! We both know how they are!"

"(Y/n)! Everything will be fine!"

"No! Everything won't be fine it won't be ok..." I break down in tears," it won't and we both know it."

"(y/n) this is not earth...this is not our world...the people here are different."

"Different? We never even talk to one since we got reincarnated"

"(y/n)...trust me...please,everything will be fine"

'Y-you promise?"

"yeah, I promise" with that Rigurd call for Rimuru to check on a few thing to make sure it's alright." I'll be back...ok?" He hops to me "o-ok" he gave me a sort of hug (since he a slime) and hop his slime self out. I wipe my tears away and went out to help anyone that needed it.
WoooooOoOoOoo a little drama up in here 😩
Btw I'm trying to be close to the original that time I got reincarnate as a slime since the Series isn't about y'all, the readers are just the dLC lol
Next chapter will be up later on when I have will power to write it lol. (This has been edited let me know if u can read it with no problem!)

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