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Y/n pov:
When we arrived, the lizard men were struggling to fight with so little of them and so many orcs, they were surrounded and moving faster. All while eating both foe and allies.

Third pov:

Gabiru got pushed back by an orc that's bigger than the rest.

"Ahh! Vortex Crash!"

His water attack resembled him for a split second as it was aheading to the orc, who also summoned an attack with his weapons, letting out a strong gust of wind countering Gabiru's Vortex Clashes
There was an explosion from the impact of both attacks crashing. Gabiru was not prepared for this, He took the after blow from the imapct. When he did, the big orc started his next move.

"Chaos Eater!

A blog of a deep red appears from out of the orc and form into three heads that could remind you of hade's three-headed guard dog. As the orc sends the Chaos eater to Gabiru, Gabiru evaded them as they try to get him one head at a time.

"You're trying to eat me?" Gabiru said

"Do you think you can keep running forever?" The orc laughs out

Gabiru's fanboys step up calling to him.

"S-Sir Gabiru!" One said

"We will help!" The other one spoke

Before they can even take a step, Gabiru stopped them from moving forward, have one of his arm out to stop them.

"Stay out of this! I'll handle this one-on-one!" Gabiru said without hesitation, His fanboys gasped and started to tear up at his bravery.

"You're such a man, Gabiru!"



Soon, the rest of the army chanted his name to encourage him in his one-on-one fight, feeling more confident than ever he dashed to orc while the orc himself sended his Chaos eaters once more after him. Gabiru cuts them with his father's triant and kept cutting them as they regenerate with each slice the Gabiru makes. One of the Chaos eaters eventually lands a hit on Gabiru, Gabiru tries to recover, but the chaos eaters are already going in for another attack.

"This is nothing!" He spoke and dashes to the orc once more only this time he really pushes through and actually made it to the orc. He dodges the orc melee attack and uses the orc body to lift himself in the air.

"What?" The orc said while looking up to see where Gabiru is, Gabiru's fanboys gasping when they saw how high he went and attack the orc from above but the orc block it with his Shield. The powerful impact that released was amazing, they both continued to fight but it didn't take long for Gabiru to get sent flying to the ground once more, but this time he struggled to get up.

"Sir Gabiru!

"Lizard are best suited to crawling on the ground. Now die!" The orc said, as the orc was sending his final killing blow to Gabiru, Gobta came just in time to save him.

(If yall wanna know what happens after then go to episode 13 at around 13:57.
I got tired of typing all of this down lol)

(Y/n) pov:

As we attacked the orc's army Rimuru was carrying me princess style while flying over the whole thing watching.

"Wow..." Rimuru said amazed

"Good thing they're in our side"
I said looking at all the damage that Benimaru and the others are doing to the orc's army. As I was looking around I spotted some injured lizardman, wanting to make myself more useful then just an luggage I pointed to where I wanted Rimuru to drop me off at.

"Darling can you drop me off there? They look like they can use a support."

"We have enough healing potions they'll be alright"


He sighs, "yeah, yeah, dropping you off now hon"

Once he drop me off he gave me a quick kiss and told me to stay safe then quickly fly back up to observe the ongoing battle. I healed as many as I could find and boasted our allies, Hana helped me get through the battle ground without getting attacked. As time went on the orc's number went smaller and the number of lizardman in need of healing lowered as well. I continued to give support to as many as I could, I look back up at Rimuru at some point to see what he was doing and he was still observing the battle.

Darling are you just going to stay up in the air the whole time while everyone else is fight?

Yep that's exactly what I'm doing, I'm trying to see if I can spot the orc lord. It's a strategy tactic, you won't understand.

Are you calling me dumb?!

Yes (Y/n). Yes I am

Hana took me to Benimaru to boast up his attack.

I am not dumb

That's exactly what a dumb person would say.

Rimuru we are not doing this right now in a middle of a battle.

Why not?

Did you wake up today and choose violence? What's going on with you?

I woke up to my girlfriend not sleeping next me because she got herself kidnap by a show off lizardman out of all things that lives in this forest because she thought I was being unloyal

Are you seriously doing this right now?! You out of all people would definitely do way worse if you where in my position at that time.

Ranga howls once more for a other Strom attack.

If I was in your position I would have listened to what my partner has to say before running out and saying "No more sex" at the very least. I missed you so much while you were away and I was worried if you had gotten hurt or worse-



I missed you too and I'm sorry for the trouble I made if their's anything I can do to make it up to you let me know.



Hold on I think I just found the orc lord.

Alright be careful out there dear

And when this battle is all over I want my cuddles.

I giggle but only for a second

You'll get your cuddles I promise.

I look back up at him for a moment to see him flying to the orc lord.


Hi everyone I know yall are mad at me cuz I'm super late to publishing a new chapter. But I'm happy to say that I think I found a suitable way to write the story! Hopefully it stays this way lol expect more chapters from here on out.

P.s My writing style probably changed again xd let me know if I have to change anything

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