Is she alive ?

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General POV:
It's been months since she's been gone. One night they're celebrating to the next someone dead , but not just someone one of them .

Ruby even though he thinks no one hears he cries himself to sleep everynight since then he lost two people he loves but doesn't know how to cope or who to blame his parents are worried even though they're going through a rough time to with their loss. Jamal even though he found roller world he kind of blames himself a bit he wasn't when they needed him but then again were they there when he needed them , maybe not but she was. Jasmine even though they weren't so close she's both loses hard Olivia was still kinda like her girlfriend and gabby well she was the only person who didn't run from jasmine and actually listened to her and didn't mind being around her so much even though she said she did. Also when what happened to jasmines dad gabby have jasmine some money to take care of them for while but they never really talked about it cause gabby didn't want jasmine to feel like she owed her some she was a kid in a rough situation gabby understood that. Alec hopped on the first plane back out , he's been broken up trying to hold on without her he has nothing he stays in her room at the Martinez house Ruby's parents don't mind he even helps out with the bills .Alec just sits in her room and cried a lot .Monse even though she didn't show it she was hurting badly , she lost two of her best friends but she had to hold it together for Cesar who was just down right bad. He lost his girlfriend or ex girlfriend, his mother figure , he lost his brother and his gang and all of his friends cause he's afraid Ruby hates him . And Oscar is just broken after that night seeing the love of his life dying on stretcher with a bullet wound in her chest and stomach you can never forget shit like that , he lost his brother too not only cause he had to kick him out to keep him alive but because he kind of blames him if only he would've listened and killed that dumbass prophet nun of this would be happening . Every night he sits in the bathroom shower on the bathroom shower on his knees crying and begging god for her but it's like god doesn't hear his prayers or doesn't want too.

Cause she's still gone she hasn't woken up yet gabby is still in a vegetive state ever since that night. After the surgery she didn't wake up Ruby lived , Olivia died and gabby she just survived she hasn't opened her eyes taking a breather on her own she's on the breathing machine . Oscar visits her everyday at 8 he stays for a couple amours and just talks to her about his day , what's been going on , what the doctor says about her . Once he even broke out in tears and begged her to wake up but she didn't . But he doesn't care he won't give up on her whether he has to breathe for her he will . And he'll stick by her side .
It's been a two weeks since the shooting , Oscar has never missed a day to come see her . He likes to visit her at night when it's less crowded with everyone coming to see her.
Today me and sad eyes just sat at the porch and talked it's been slow on the block recently after what happened. I got your ring cleaned too for when you wake up cause once you do I'm proposing again even if you do say no I'll wait then do it again . He chuckles a bit thinking about her . But then it's slowly turns to a frown and then years began to fall down
I miss you mi amour I need you to wake up for me I can't do this without you I'm struggling everyday I can't even breathe properly without you. We supposed to get married and have some kids remember you wanted more than Cesar you wanted another boy and then a girl. We was gonna name them Eduardo lil spooky jr and Ines for my lil princess so please baby come back to me
Oscar says as he places his forehead on top of hers trying to avoid all the wires and tubes.
Please I can't lose you again
End of flashback
Everyone gathered in the hospital room even Oscar but not Cesar because of the whole situation. Cesar visits her everyday as well but before Oscar and after everyone else nobody knows though besides monse and Oscar .
The doctor asked that everyone be here for an important conversation. As the doctor walks in everyone couldn't hold back their questions.
" why did you need us here" was the main question
" I know you guys are all wondering why I called you here I need to talk about Gabriella she shows no sign of change getting better or worse and I think we all need to have a talk about taking he off of life support"
There it was what everyone dreaded the talk , nobody ever talked about it because they wanted to believe she would get better that she would wake up but it's not looking that way it was the calm before the storm everyone was quiet until everyone started talking about they couldn't take her off of life support how she was gonna wake up soon . And for basically an hour everyone yelled at the doctor for even suggesting such a thing
After everyone went home but they all thought about it she's been stuck in the hospital for 3 months now and hasn't high on better but she hasn't gotten worse neither she's just been surviving barely.
But that night something happened , the bullet hit near gabbys lungs but missed and it damaged a lot of tissue and she got a small infection the doctors were watching if they gave her shot but it's like the shot reversed she temperature raised . The doctor called everyone back but this time Cesar was already there but nobody said anything about it cause they weee more focused on gabby the doctor informed everybody about her how she's worsened everyone was scared pulling the plug was going to have to be the next option that is until gabbys temperature was at 101 and her heartbeat risen high dangerously high from the stead beat it was normally then it's like she started seizing they had to pull her into emergency surgery ands she been there for about 5 hrs at this point at 3 am in the morning when you looked around the waiting room you saw exhausted eyes but ones that have held this exhaustion for months . Everyone was either shaking or crying. Oscar stared blankly at the wall he didn't want to admit it but you can see it from his face he was afraid , afraid that the doctor will walk out at any min and tell him the worse news he's every heard and like clockwork the hospital doors open his legs felt weak as he saw the doctor come out he looked exhausted as well
"shes alive" was the first thing the doctor could say and it's like everyone let out a breath at the same time . He then explained how she had got an infection that almost spread to her organs but they caught it in time . Everyone flooded into her hospital room for an hour Oscar held her left hand well everyone stood on her right side when a man in a suit arrived. Alec knew him he handled all of their assets in case of a foreseeable event were to occur.
"Hello my names is Jeffery king I handle Gabriellas assist I'll make this quick I see you are very busy" he quickly said as everyone looked at him
" after calculating Gabriella assets as her share in fashion company , her assets and stocks and investments Gabriellas net worth is $15,000,000 ." As he said that everyone's mouth dropped when gabby said she had money she didn't say this much only Alec was surprised because he's always known about her investments he'll they both did it together .
In the case of her death Cesar being the main beneficiary will get 35% of her worth which includes ia stake in her fashion company which Alec is prepared to buy you out of for $2,000,000 , she has a trust fund and college fund set up as well she didn't want to mention until your junior year but of course because of unseen circumstances it comes into play when you turn 18 ,monse , Ruby , Jamal , jasmine all get college funds , jasmine also receives a fully paid for team for you father ,she has college funds for the twins as well and for Mario but since he received scholarship it's for him to keep . Mr and Mrs you receive a 10% Each after cesars share , Alec already knows what he receives and then Oscar "
Oscar looks up confused on why he received anything.  After everyone's assets you receive the remaining fortune which would be around $4,500,000 plus a college fund , and also a store front location at 65 collard beach Malibu California. She also wrote letters for everyone here I'll give those out before I leave in the case of her death this plans will happen in the case she does wake up and is still alive all plans will vault but college funds and trust funds will still be in effect when you turn 18 and that's all I'm very sorry for the events happening " he says as he hands out all the letters and quickly exists the room . Leaving everyone shocked in the room besides Alec no one actually knew gabbys net worth yeah she had expensive shoes , clothes, jewelry ,a car but nobody ever actually asked for four years gabby has been making money while in and out of fashion show gabby and Alec had their own designer brand , fashion shows , after gabby meet this wall street guy who was her f buddy when she bored he taught her how to invest and how the stock market works and she then taught Alec , she also had investments properties all over nyc and some in California which was pulling in bank she always did make money and paid for every and anything anyone asked her too the Martinez mortgage paid for , Santos house paid for , jasmines dad medical bills paid for .
Everyone sat shocked letter in hand just looking at gabbys body. After another couple hours everyone left besides Oscar and Cesar for a bunch of people who got told their getting free money they weren't excited the slightest cause for them to get the money they lose someone worth more than any money in the world.
"Ofc she's a millionaire and didn't tell nobody" Oscar says chuckling Cesar kind of taken aback by his brother actually speaking to him after everything
"I had somewhat of an idea since she paid of the mortgage for the house it's in your name dumbass but she forgot to tell you"
Damn this girl even paid off my parents mortgage for me even after everything
"What your letter say" Cesar asked
As I opened the envelope so sort of pain ached in my chest I wanted her awake telling me this not some piece of paper
" dear Oscar if your reading this that means something has happened to me and I'm sorry.
I left everyone a bit of something for when I'm gone . I left you the rest of my estate and  a college fund , and also a store front location at 65 collard beach Malibu California. The college fund is for culinary school papi I want you to leave the Santos and please take the money and run with Cesar it's not worth it I know you can make I've always known I've always what's best for you and Cesar . And the storefront is the little Resturant on the beach that you used to point to and say it was gonna be your 5 star Resturant one day well here's that chance papi take it don't let anything hold you back from it."
Oscar started to break down in tears as he tried to finish it even after everything gabby was giving him a second chance gabby knew Oscar lost it when his parents left but she wanted him to have another one .
" I love you Papi always will no matter what you are the light in my life and part of my heart you inspired me to follow all my dreams and go for it thank you so much look after Cesar for me please make sure he does good in school to get into college I wish I could be there for you guys right now but know I'm looking over you guys ." As Oscar continued to sob after finishing the letter from the live of his life on her death bed he felt a comforting feeling of Cesar holding his hands just like gabby did .
But when he opened his eyes he realized Cesar was across the room he looked up to see gabbys eyes opened .......

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