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Gabriella laid on Oscar's chest peacefully sleeping as Oscar had his arm wrapped around her waist . Ever since the two first meet they were inseparable. And when they were old enough to understand their feelings they realized that they were madly in love with each other despite barely being teens. They quite literally had been each other's soulmate.
Gabriella knew about Oscar & the santos but she never judged him , she never stopped believing in him . He was the one person in this world who understood her and she understood him . She felt safe with him , she's never doubted her love for him and no matter what hardships Oscar faced ,Gabriella was right there with him.
After their father abandoned Ceaser and  Oscar she took on the role of mother and wife. She learned to cook , clean , do laundry and be an emotional support system for them . She was literally the glue of the family.
Even though Gabriella had dreams of going to fashion design school , becoming a fashion designer she would give it all up for the Oscar and Ceaser cause they made her whole .
As Gabriella slept on Oscars chest he just stared at her and thought about everything she's ever done for him , how she never left his side no matter what was going on in either of their lives. He pulled open the draw next to him and pulled out the ring box they had already acted as if they were married , Gabriella practically lived there since her parents died a year ago, she was either there or  her cousins ruby house .
Gabriella started to raise her head as Oscar hid the ring box under him .
"Buenos días mi amor" said as he kissed the top of head
"Good morning papi " she whispered still half asleep as she kissed Oscar . No matter how many times she's woken up next to him he still never got used to her beauty she was gorgeous, yeah her body was amazing but her face and her inner beauty just gave Oscar butterflies thinking bout it .
" mi amor I need to talk to you about something serious"
Gabriella finally started to wake up and had a look of concern on her face , this couldn't be good she thought.
She nodded her head signaling for him to continue speaking
"My love, you know that I love you more than anything, you have stood by my side through everything, you help raise Ceaser as if he were your own son and I could not be more grateful than I am. Throughout all these years you have supported me and there is nothing in this world that I can do to pay you back for the love and kindness that you keep bringing into my life, I know we're still young but women like you don't come often so I wanted to ask you."
Oscar starts to pull out the ring box and opens it to reveal the most beautiful ring she's ever seen. Gabriella gasps "omg " as Oscar gets out of bed and kneels down on one knee
"will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me "
"Omggg yessss of course I will" she squeals as she jumps off the bed into Oscars arms and kisses him. Oscar slips the ring onto her finger as she starts to cry . While he wipes her tears and admired her beauty he started feeling guilty for what he's been doing to her .

Couple hours later Gabriella POV :
Ever since Oscar proposed to me this morning I haven't stopped smiling. I've been showing my ring off everywhere to everyone I had to stop by my Abuelita and  Tia's and tell them . She gave me all these wedding magazines to start deciding on everything.
You see everyone already knew Oscar and I would get married we never left each other's side since the first day we meet . He was my first everything my first friend , my first boyfriend, he took my virginity.
I came home early today to  start making dinner so we can tell ceaser . I can't believe he proposed I've only ever loved Oscar my whole life.
As I started walking in the house I can hear a loud screaming noise . I got worried because Oscar shouldn't be home he had Santos business. I grabbed Ceaser's metal baseball bat and started walking to the noise. When I opened the door to our room , my heart fell to the bottom of my stomach and quite literally shattered into a million pieces . And I felt the tears welling up in my eyes .There was who I thought the love of my life fucking some random bitch in Our bed .
" omg " I screamed scaring the shit out of the both of them . Oscar looked shocked and guilty while the puta I thought was looked scared as she saw the bat in my hand and everybody knows my ass a lil crazy especially when it comes to Oscar .
"No Gabriella I can explain ..." Oscar screamed I didn't even let him continue as I throw the engagement ring he gave me at him, I ran out of the room crying . I ran crying my eyes out until I reached my cousins Ruby house . I ran in while what I could guess my Tia was in the middle of cooking dinner. " oh my god Gabriella what's wrong mija" as she was shocked to see me in such a distraught state. "Tia I ... I walked in on oscar having sex with another girl " I cried as she pulled me into a hug " oh my good that ¡Hijo de la chingada!" She pulled me into the bathroom as she comforted me this lasted for about two hours until I had no more tears to cry
"Tia what do I do , he proposed this morning , I don't think I'll ever forgive him "
she cooed me as she kept stroking my hair trying to calm me down "it's okay mija you just need to get away from him and this place" she says confusing me on what she meant until she walks out the bathroom and comes back with an envelope " this came in the mail for you in the beginning of the summer  , I know it's late but if you still want to go to your dream school you have a couple of days to get there and sign up . I know you didn't know if you wanted to leave but now I think it's sign that you have bigger and better things to worry about right now ". I took the envelope and it was from fashion institute of technology in new york . I opened it and read it i accepted into their fashion design program. This is what I've always wanted ,what my parents wanted for me. "Tia i think you're right , but what about ceaser i can't just abandon him like his parents."

" you wouldn't be abandoning me "i looked up to see Ceaser , Monse , Ruby and Jamal . " i know what happened , I know what Oscar did to you and you deserve a life out of this place , you've raise me my whole life and you wouldn't be abandoning , this has always been your dream , I'm getting older now and I can take care of myself plus I got the Martinez's, I'll be ok " I got up from the floor and hugged ceaser " you've given up your life for us and this is your dream go" i cried while i held Ceaser. Until i felt more hands wrap around me and realized all of them were hugging me .  "Hey I wanna be apart of the group hug y'all know I love me some hugging" Jamal blurts out from the side causing us all to laugh
"Well if you wanna make it to the school on time you better start packing " my Tia said "I'll go buy emergency airline tickets "
After my Tia left the crowded room , the four kids I've grown to love and care for, all lead me to the room i barely ever stayed in since i was always at the Diaz household but I still had my basic necessities . I packed clothes , some shoes and my sketch book , sewing machine and emergency cash fund my parents left for me .

I walked out my room as I saw everyone waiting for me in the living room " well guys this is it I'm all packed" . Everyone visually starts to get sad as they realize I'm leaving for good . I start first by hugging Mario " hey please take care of them for me , keep them out of trouble especially ceaser , their just kids" I whisper in his ear and he nods letting me know he understands , then I say my goodbyes to everybody else until it's only ceaser left . We ended up moving outside since this one is gonna be more personal.
We sat on the stairs as we waited for the taxi

" I'm gonna miss you Gabriella" "Im gonna miss you too Mijo " I say as I hug him "if you ever need anything and I mean anything you can call me day or night , no matter if it's for money , advice anything I'll be on the first flight out " " I know...

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" I'm gonna miss you Gabriella"
"Im gonna miss you too Mijo " I say as I hug him "if you ever need anything and I mean anything you can call me day or night , no matter if it's for money , advice anything I'll be on the first flight out "
" I know I love you and go be happy "
The yellow cab finally pulls up , I grab my luggage and put it in the back seat I take my ticket and I get in the car , I roll down my window to give them one final piece of advice
"Y'all still a lil young but remember this Don't bone Monse , I'm gonna miss you guys " I say as the cab pulls out

Goodbye Freeridge , Hello NewYork

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