welcome back to Freeridge, Gabriella

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As the four kids sat on the couch listening to Mario sprout his tipsy speech
"Look at you , on the verge of high school ugh Gabriella and I are so proud of you guys , all the excitement. All the firsts . First parties , football games " he continued for who knows how long " don't go into high school without backup "until a particular name made the kids start paying attention again, " since I'm leaving Gabriella decided that's it time she'll move back and watch over you guys while I'm gone". "What " the group shouts in excitement
Gabriella has been gone for 4 years now , in New York , she tried her best to visit in the summer , and holidays to be with ceaser and the rest of the kids . Turns out the same day she left , Oscar had been arrested but Ceaser didn't say anything until after she had already gotten settled because he knew she would just come right back .
" yeah she told me to tell you guys, she'll be here at the end of the summer she had to wrap up some stuff in New York she'll be staying here for a little while , until she gets her own place "
" I can't wait for Gabriella to come back " ceaser said , if he was being truthful Gabriella was the only parental figure he had left , and he knew she would do anything for him ever since she left they FaceTimed at least once a day and texted all day .

TIME SKIP : End of the summer

"Tax time bitches"
"Shit , Latrelle."
"Hands up , money out"
"How can we take money out with our hands up? "
"I know you book heads got that back to school gwop"
" we don't have any money "
"What about that 20 " Jamal stupidly says as Latrelle stared him down . Ruby and monse turn and glare at Jamal stupidity and loud ass mouth as Ruby hands him $20.
" Latrelle give my lil cousin and his friends their money back " Gabriella says as she pulls up on the side of them with her brand new Mercedes. All the kids mouths dropped as the transformed Gabriella pulls up besides them .
"Oh hey Gabriella when did you get back " Latrelle says as he hands Ruby back his 20 . Drooling over Gabriella's beauty . Gabriella easily could be the prettiest girl to ever live in Freeridge , she was newly tattooed and embraced her beautiful perfect body .
"I just got back in Freeridge Heyy guys !!" she shouts as she seen the kids she hadn't seen in months.
"Ruby I'm heading to your house do you want a rid.. , wait where's ceaser? "
" he's not fri..." Jamal was about to blurt out until Ruby puts his hands over his mouth " oh he's just home right now he'll probably come by later "
Gabriella looked at the group suspiciously but nodded her head driving off into the direction of the Martinez house
"I thought you guys said ceaser wasn't cool no more so what was that about " she said referring to how Ruby just lied to his cousin
" he isn't but if Gabriella finds out you know she's gonna act like mom and make things worse"
They all nodded agreeing it was better if Gabriella didn't know .

Gabriellas POV :
After getting back home , I greeting everyone I started to unpack, after I finished I realized I haven't seen ceaser , I'm just gonna go see him I miss him too much to wait I thought.
I ended up going out to the porch interrupting a weird ass conversation , that creepy girl jasmine (who has a weird ass obsession with sex , other peoples business and Ruby ), monse and Ruby was having .
" I like the freaky , just like monse "
"What are you talking bout ?"
"You ain't gotta be shy with me girl. I know you and ceasar been gettin it in." As she humps her small ass scooter , what the hell is wrong with this girl every time I turn around she doing some weird shit .
But after realizing what she said it caused me to drop my mouth wide open after all this time Ceasar never said he and monse had sex?!?
Next thing I know monse jumps off the porch and starts running up the street.
" gabi help me take this dress off so I can stop monse "

" gabi help me take this dress off so I can stop monse "

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" ohh why you look soo ... cute , fine I'll drive you but first you better explain to me what's going on "
"Ok but you have to come with me to get Jamal we gonna need all the people we can get to get monse under control "

Right when I pulled up I saw monse a lil bit further down the street walking up while ceaser was doing trick with his skateboard, but when I saw who was near ceaser it made my whole body run cold
" when did Oscar get out of jail " My voice came out barely above a whisper. There he was the man I thought I would spend forever with. The man that broke me into a million pieces.
" I'm sorry I forgot he got out of jail 6 weeks ago" there was a long pause before Ruby continued " it's okay you can stay in the car me and Jamal got it " he said trying to soothe me , but I knew moving back to Freeridge was gonna open up old scars
" nah it's okay let's just focus on getting monse cause that gurl is right about to kill ceaser "
As we hopped out the car monse started pouncing on poor ceaser .
Ruby and Jamal grabbed monse and pulled her back as she yelled something about being able to survive on her own to the two innocent boys.
" Gabriella" ceaser said when I finally realized what situation I put myself in but I didn't care cause someone I thought as my child was finally in front of me who I haven't seen in months even though I wanted to smack him for what he did to monse I couldn't help but pull ceaser into a hug.
"Heyy mijo how you been "I said as I keep my grip tight not wanting to leg ahi especially since Oscar was near .
"I missed you I didn't know you were coming back from New York tod..." he was saying until he was interrupted by a cough coming from behind us . When we finally let go it was Oscar when he looked me in my eyes I can see his eyes softening as he saw me , I didn't even realize how much I could miss his eyes until I remembered those same eyes filled with guilt as I walked in on him fucking some puta .
"Hey mi amour I missed yo..." he was cut off by my back hand connecting with his sorry ass face . He was never going to be allowed to call me that nickname again .
"vete a la mierda, inútil hijo de puta" I shouted all the people around us gasped ( fuck you , you useless son of a bitch "
"Omg we're so dead " both Jamal and Ruby whispered loud to each other as they visually looked like they were gonna shit their pants
"I'll see you tomorrow Ceaser" I said As I turned and started to strut down until I reached my car .

Welppp welcome back to Freeridge, Gabriella

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