I can't believe we're stuck in the house with Oscar

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Oscar POV:

i started to pull my shorts back up when i felt hands wrap around my waist .

"mhm papi don't make me go yet we was just starting to have fun" this hyena said , i scrunched my face up in disgust , i don't know why she would ever think i would want her to stay.

"get your shit and leave" i said she scoffed and grabbed her shit as i escorted her ass to the door , since I've been home I fucked around with a couple of girls but everybody knew about me and Gabrielle so they should know i never want anything else than a fuck. Gabriella and i was an epic love story around here, The Freeridge love story .  I haven't seen or spoke to her since Halloween though ,  As i escorted this hyena out i saw Cesar walking up.

General POV:

As the girl stomped away from the house looking pissed as hell since Oscar wouldn't let let her stay she passes Cesar on her way out the Diaz house. Ceasar didn't even look at this one , he's got his own problems he can't worry about Oscar's revolving door of women. Both Oscar and Cesar take a seat on the front stairs as Oscar hands Cesar spray can bottles.
"Go whack out those tags. Keep your head on a swivel. Prophets have been trolling."
"Yeah , cool. I just got to stop by Ruby's first and sort some shit out ." Oscar slowly turns to Cesar even though he had sunglasses on , Cesar knew he was giving him the death glare .
"Or I'll knock this out first." He quickly says getting nervous as he looks at his watch. Before he got up Cesar asked Oscar a burning question that was always on his mind .
"Do you love Gabriella "
"What, why would you ask me that"
"I just wanted to know do you still love her" Cesar asks not telling him the real reason, the real reason was because when Gabriella came back to freeridge she brought a guy with her . She said he's her best friend but come on women say that all the time about their on the low sexual partners. And by the looks of it her and Alec were super close.

"Hermano of course I still love Gabriella . a love like we have don't just go away , that shit sticks with you forever " Oscar say expressing his true feelings
"Then why aren't you trying your hardest to get her back , you aren't fighting for her , you just fucking around on different hyenas , if you really love Gabriella you would fight before you lose her " Cesar said walking away to quickly finish what Oscar instructed him to do but Oscar still sat and thought about what Cesar said. He was right why wasn't Oscar fighting for Gabriella he hasn't even heard from her since Halloween after he said that stupid shit too her . He was just pissed she walked out the house with that outfit on , he never wanted other man to look what was his , cause one thing about Oscar Diaz was he didn't like to share .

Gabriella POV :

I was chilling at home with Alec all day , we've been in Free ridge for like a 2 months and still have not gone out to party. So we were going to go out to the club tonight.

While we were home preparing our collection , our new neighbor came to introduce herself she was about the kids age and so sweet her name was Danielle , so i told her i could introduce her to kids her age and boom now Danielle , Monse , Olivia , Jasmine (i know what you're thinking and i don't know why Olivia's ass invited her loco ass over her ) , Alec and I were just chilling in the room, while the boys was in the living room.

It's been a little awkward with me and Olivia since i walked up on her and Cesar kissing. And i made sure Cesar knew i wasn't pleased. First off even though they haven't admitted it , i knew Cesar and Monse were together and sleeping with each other. I was so pissed at Cesar cause i thought i raised him better then to play with a women's heart. Especially since they were friends , he asked me to keep it a secret until he told Monse and the only reason i did was cause 1. who the hell wanted to tell Monse crazy ass Cesar cheated on her with her close friend not me and 2. I don't want to get involved in the kids drama.

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