Gabriella saves Ceaser?

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Oscar POV:
I was watching Ceaser's hyna monse whoop his ass until their little friends the short ass one , and the scared ass little baby pulled her off. That's when I saw her , it's been four years and yet still she's still as beautiful as the day I meet her . Even more beautiful actually ,she's grown even more she had tattoos now. Everyone told said she changed but damn , I missed her everyday I was locked up. I never forgot about that day especially how her beautiful eyes was filled with so much pain . If you asked me why I did what I did I wouldn't able to tell you it just happened. I messed up the one good thing in my life , the one female I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with for a bum ass Hyna . I'll regret it everyday for the rest of my life .

"Hey mi amour I missed yo..." she didn't let me finish before she slapped me , I deserved that, I deserved more than that . That day she walked in on me cheating she should've beat me .

Gabriella POV:
It's been a week since I got back , I've hung out with the gang and all but it's like they're hiding something from me . And ceaser is always hanging out with Oscar and I'm most definitely am not tagging along , I've just been feeling lonely especially since my best friend Alec is back in New York but he's finally coming to Freeridge today so Tia was so kind of enough to let him stay here and bunk with Ruby & I'll bunk with Olivia.

Alec and I meet in fashion school and ever since we've been joined by the hip . I was the only person who knew that he was gay well besides his family who disowned him . Which is disgusting to me how can you hate someone for who they love . And he's the only person who knew why I really ran away from freeridge to go off to fashion school .
Right now I'm getting ready to pick him up from the airport when I hear knock on my door .
"Come in" right when I said it monse , Ruby , and Jamal came flooding into my room almost breaking the door off the Hinges . They all looked visually nervous as if they were scared to talk to me
"What's up guys " I say trying to reassure them they can talk to me
"Okay if we tell you , you can't go all bonkers on us " Jamal blurts out , I raise my eyebrow and stare Jamal down , Jamal can't keep a secret for shit and he'll crack eventually.
"Oscar made Ceaser get jumped into the gang, now monse is making up a master plan to rescue Ceaser from Oscar , she wants one of us to go reason with Oscar to save ceaser" Jamal takes a long pause to take a deep breath ..... "ruby said he'll do it but we wanted you to go with him because Oscar still loves you and he'll murder Ruby , and I'm lying to my dad about being on the football team "
Ruby and monse glare at Jamal , as once again he can't keep his mouth closed , and I start fuming I'm surprised smoke didn't come out my ears
"OSCAR DID WHAT" I shouted to the innocent group of three trying to rescue their friend. I didn't even let them speak . I pushed them out the way to get my car keys . Oscar knew ,he knew I would never allow ceaser to join the santos he's a smart kid and he has a lot going for him he doesn't need to join and throw all he's ever wanted away. I keep searching for my keys until I hear them jingling. I turn around to see Ruby holding my keys
"Looking for these " as he jingles them in my face
"Ruby give me my keys now "
" no you're gonna go bat shit and run Oscar over "
"So ,I don't hear anything wrong in what you just said "
" could you just listen to our plan first "
"Fine what is your master plan to save Ceaser"
After an hour of them arguing, Ruby talking about some damn binders , monse counter arguing about how his damn binders aren't important and Jamal was being Jamal
"Guys" I shout to get their attention
" when you guys stop arguing find me I need to go pick up my best friend at the airport "
"Ruby give me my keys "
He hesitated to give them back , but eventually gave me my damn keys.
As I walked out the house I ran into jasmine , oh lord why today ?
"Heyyy gurllll where you going looking like a fine ass Hyna"
" hello jasmine I'm on the way to pick up my best friend what are you doing here ?" I asked knowing damn well the crew did not want her there"
" I'm here for my best friend monse , I finally came up with our best friend dance wanna see?"
" actually I have to go..."
As I was trying to explain to jasmine that I was in a rush this girl started break out doing some type of movement with her body . Could I even call that dance and then she scared me by shouting a sound

"Breh breh breh " and then she stopped and took a swing out her inhaler,wtf is up with this girl" yeah ok have fun with that " I scurried off trying to get as far away  from her crazy ass I could "I can teach you , you going to be looking like thi...

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"Breh breh breh " and then she stopped and took a swing out her inhaler,wtf is up with this girl
" yeah ok have fun with that " I scurried off trying to get as far away from her crazy ass I could
"I can teach you , you going to be looking like this , like this , I can teach you " she said as she started going down to the ground
I cut that conversation short by slamming my door and pulling out .
Airport :
I ran up and jumped in Alec's arm . I've literally missed him so much . We are literally so close we got matching tattoos.He's my only friend besides the kids . That may sound sad but after the whole Oscar cheating on me thing. I've never really been able to trust people enough to make friends. And I left the rest of my friends behind the day I fled Freeridge. I've never made friends or boyfriends in New York , one night stands yeah but relationships nope I could never find what I had with Oscar in anyone else .
"oye pendejo"
"Hey Gabbi"
"You don't know how much I miss you asshole how was the flight "
"It was good I just can't wait to lay down or something, how has it been being back"
We talk more as I drive us back home . I explain every and I mean everything
"So wait you slapped him in-front of everyone "

 I explain every and I mean everything "So wait you slapped him in-front of everyone "

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Alec hasn't stopped laughing since I told him . "I don't know I tried to follow what that therapist said I breathe and counted to 10 but I just couldn't help it I had to slap his ass"
Alec and I keep laughing for a good while just sitting in the car outside the house .
This is why me and Alec are best friends, we could talk bout literally nothing and still have the best time.

Next day :
We got Alec moved in , he's rooming with Ruby or Ruben , ever since Olivia moved in Ruby been acting weird as hell . I swear teens and their hormones. Olivia's a sweet girl sad story about her parents , hopefully she'll be reunited with them soon .
My thoughts are interrupted by a knock on my door .
Jamal , monse , Ruby ,and ceaser walk on my room looking nervous.
"What's the matter you guys here to talk about your binders and how bitches be bonkers again ?"
"No we have a plan but we need your help."
"Okay what you need?"
"I need you to come with me to talk to Oscar tomorrow "

Plan : Save Ceaser

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