Am I The Pie?

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General POV:

"YOU KISSED OLIVIA?" Monse asked as Cesar busts into the home ,getting the attention of everyone in the room , even Gabriella who was ordering her and Alec an uber .

"is it true " ruby shouted across the kitchen looking hurt ,

"yea its true , how did you find out?" Cesar asked looking ashamed , Monse looks at Olivia who Gabriella so happened to be sitting next to , when Cesar noticed the direction Monse was looking in he assumed it was Gabriella

"you told her?you said you wouldn't , Jamal kept it a secret longer then you !" Cesar shouted at Gabriella who was confused why he thought it was her

" i told you i wouldn't it wasn't me , Cesar I don't know how she found out but it wasn't me"

"You're lying it had to be you , i can't believe you i knew you were angry and didn't approve but seriously you to tell everyone"

" Cesar i didn't tell her" Gabriella shouted defending herself

"She didn....." Monse try to say but was interrupted by Cesar

"Of course she did cause she had to act like mom , she always does , for all my life you've acted like your my mom but you're not shes's gone , You're not my mom , so stop acting like it ,stop getting on my back about shit that doesn't concern you ,I can't even trust you not to tell the gang my secret , and you Blab to Monse , are you serious stop acting as if you're my parent cause you're not . " Cesar shouted not even thinking about the words that was coming out his mouth , he was hurt and pissed off .

As Cesar shouted at her , Gabriella felt like her heart was torn out her chest and stomped on. She couldn't believe a boy she's watched grown up and help raised was saying this to her especially over something she didn't even do. Gabriella felt stinging as tears came to her eyes , and she couldn't even stop them from falling as she was frozen , everyone looked at her with pity cause what Cesar said was uncalled for and they knew it hurt her.

"Cesar Olivia told me " Monse admitted hurt by what Cesar did but knew Gabriella was in even more pain. Cesar looked horrified as he realized what he said to her , he didn't mean any of it and he hurt her for absolutely no reason

"I'm so..." Cesar tried to apologize but he's interrupted by her phone ringing

"um , Alec the uber's outside " Gabriella says as she grabs her wallet and and heads out to the car not even staying another second she couldn't sit and stay anymore.

Gabriella's POV:

i couldn't even stay in the room , i rushed out the house brushing past Cesar. I just wanted to get away, as far away as i could get. I've never knew i could be this hurt , i've never felt this hurt not when my parents died , not when Oscar cheated on me but when Cesar broke my heart today. I knew I wasn't his mother but still watching him grow up and taking care of him , the late night calls and the times i couldn't focus on my work cause i wondered if he was okay. The pushing myself to do better , be better so i can make more money to get the Cesar out Free-ridge so he can go to college or be whatever he wants.

When i get in the uber i can't even function , i'm just frozen



"um what " Gabriella says stunned

"you're Gabriella right ?" the uber asks

"yes she's Gabriella" Alec says finally making it to car

"hey you ok" Alec asked as the uber pulled off ,not expecting her reaction , Gabriella broke out into tears thank god for waterproof mascara , she wasn't okay Cesar just broke her heart , Oscar is confusing her, does he love her or not , does he want her or not , her and Alec's debut in fashion week is coming up soon it's so much on her . Gabriella was not ok . Alec held her as she cried

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