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Gabriella POV:
I don't even know for how long I've been sewing . It's been a day I and my flight leaves in an hour but I've so focused on rushing to finish Olivia's dress. I haven't even been able to check my phone it's currently 7pm and her quince is in the morning . I've literally been having this gut feeling like something is wrong or something bad is going to happen, and I can't stop feeling it .
"Ahh finally" I said as I glued on the last damn rhinestone,this girl better love this dress cause I haven't closed my eyes in 24 hours . I packed the dress into a little hanger and grabbed my suitcases that I didn't even get to open and made my way to the airport. But of course not before saying bye to Alec ,
"Okay I'm about to head to the airport I came to say goodb- ahhhhh " I said barging in only to scream at the sight
"Ahhhhhhhahhahhahhaha I'm so sorry I'm just gonna gon....." I screamed as Alec looked shocked and hopped off a guy I've never seen before, I literally walked in on my best friend putting in that work on this guy . I rushed out the room and close the door giving them both time to compose themselves as I stood traumatized it was literally like walking in on your parents having sex . When the door started to crack open and Alec slipped out in a robe covering up his goodies i couldn't help but laugh.
"I'm soooo sorryyy gabi I forgot you said you were coming by.... but damn bitch you could have knocked" he joked
"Sir I just saw your balls it's no time to joke" i said as I stood still , still traumatized by the events that just occurred
"Anyway I came to say goodbye since I'm about  fly by back right now, and I love you and be safe cause I'm still feeling that negative energy and I don't know why."I said as I pulled him into a hug , if I ever lost Alec I would be so lost he's like my other half besides Cesar and Oscar , I wouldn't be able to live another day knowing he wasn't living with me to be without him well I simply wouldn't be able to breathe .
"Hey I love you too and you better be safe , also the collection sold out ,for a $1,100,000  profit the show stopper was bought by no other then Lady fucking Gaga , after she shows out in that dress we literally will be on the map imagine her at the met gala" we both did a little squeal this has literally been our dream since we were kids and it's finally happening, over the years we've had major a list celebrities buy a design from our collections but this is lady Gaga , not to mention this is an idol of mine ,after this we could consider ourselves millionaires.

Next day : it's 5am and I literally just got off the plane I've finally caught up on sleep while on the flight,I looked at my phone to see it was blowing up
Messages from Ruby, Jamal , Olivia ., Monse
But none from Cesar or Oscar wtf ? I thought
As I caught an Uber I looked through the messages
Bitch 911 , 411 whatever number you call for a fashion emergency Olivias dress just came in and it looks like....
"Ooouuuu" I say at loud , that shit looked terrible one of the most hideous dresses ever , lucky for her she the best designer friend ever .
Wish you was here , I put a man in a coma and I'm still on the hunt for the treasure .
Wait what did he sayyyy?
I know you're busy in nyc right now with fashion week but I really wish you were here , we ordered a dress and it literally looks like a bootleg Disney princess costume 😭😭🥺. I want to cancel my whole party
Cesar he's in trouble , they told me not to tell you but I couldn't hide it anymore.

Cesar's in trouble , I thought as I was trying to  breathe. What the hell happened while I was gone I thought as the Uber pulled up to the house .
As I walked in it was 7:30am which meant everyone was getting ready as.I walked in I thought of how I could get everyone's attention .
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahhahahaha" I screamed at the top of my lungs getting everyone to jump out of bed and into the living room . Everyone rushed into the living room , ruby coming with a bat.
"Gabi what are you doing here I thought you were in New York" Olivia asked as everyone came and hugged me
"What did you think I would miss your big day & I heard their was a fashion emergency" i said as i pulled out the covered dress. And unzipped it . Everyone gasped at the beautiful pink dress"
"I bailed on the rest of fashion week , I feel like I'm needed here."
"Thank you Gabi" Olivia started to cry as she hugged me
"Well Go try it on" gabi says as she pushes Olivia to direction of the bathroom
When everyone but Ruby and I are left in the kitchen I glare at Ruby
"Okay spill it what kind of trouble is Cesar in?" Gabi asked interrogating the now frightened boy in front of her
"How did you even kn...." ruby was about to say until Olivia came out in her gorgeous custom made gown by Gabi

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