65 collard beach Malibu California

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"Hello how are you We have a meeting with an assets advisor" gabby had said to the lady at the front desk. After starting their company Alec and gabby had to get their finances in order and beneficiaries.
The receptionist had told them to be seated as he will be ready in just a second.
As they sat in the waiting room all gabby could do was think about her life in freeridge, when she had first left she had felt so guilty about leaving Cesar behind not even knowing that Oscar had been arrested right after her departure she wanted to come back she felt she needed to come back but one she couldn't afford to come back she had no way of paying for the flight ticket, she was a broke fashion school student in one of the most expensive cities in the world , and plus she couldn't she couldn't return back to freeridge with nothing , what would she support Cesar with , how would she juggle him , school and work at once. But everything proved to have happened for a reason cause she is now in a office putting away money for Cesar for college . Gabriella was pulled out of her thoughts when the receptionist had called out
" mr.king will see you now."
Here goes nothing gabby thought
"Hello my names is Jeffery king"
Time skip :
"So now that we have all Alec's affairs tied up
it's your turn Gabriella so first thing who are your beneficiaries

Oscar and Gabriella were on the beach having a picnic while watching the waves next to a building
"Papi I have a question" gabby blurted out
"Okay what's your question mi amour"
" if I was a frog would you still love me"
"Whattt" Oscar asked before bursting out laughing
"I'm serious if I was frog would you still love meeeee"
"Gabby something wrong with you"Oscar and gabby then both blurted out laughing these were the kind of moments their relationship was all about . As gabby stooped laughing at her own stupidity she noticed Oscars gaze upon the building it was an old restaurant that closed down
"Liking what you see" Oscar broke his gaze from the building to his beautiful girlfriend
"Yea but I'm loving this view better" he said as he smirked at her pecking her lips before staring into her eyes , he couldn't put into words how beautiful she was , sometimes he would always think about how he doesn't deserve her and how he'll eventually fuck it all up. He turns back to the building as he feels a sting in his heart from his own thoughts of losing gabby
"That place is my dream for us"
"The restaurant" gabby questioned
"Yup you know I would own it and run my restaurant from the bottom level and on the top would be your own fashion studio so even when we apart we not to far , and our kids would be running around helping me in the kitchen or you in your studio and they can run out any time and enjoy the beach"
With all the heartwarming things Oscar was saying about a future life together gabby couldn't help but smile as Oscar talked of this place with so much admiration and inspiration she's ever seen it made her happy to see him happy
"65 collard beach Malibu California that's our future" Oscar says as he kisses gabby on the forehead
"65 collard beach Malibu California" gabby repeats
Gabby was taken aback by the sudden drop of her name not realizing she must've dose off
"Sorry I'm sorry so my benefliciaries would be
Cesar , Ruby , Monse , Jamal , jasmine my aunt, uncle and grandmother , of course Alec and also Oscar Diaz" as the last name came out Alec turned to her with a shocked expression gabby must have lost her mind he thought
As the meeting went on she continued on
"And Oscar will get the rest after everyone else's share and a store property I bought on 65 collard beach Malibu California it's his future"
And with that after having all the documents printed out and signed all of each other's as witnesses they were finished they both walked the office
"So you gonna explain"
"What's there to explain" with that Alec comes to a complete stop
"Um maybe why you left the same ex fiancé that cheated on you after basically being together your whole lives a fortune plus a estate property in Malibu." He said wide eyed with his eyebrows raised giving her a ohh bitch try me look
" Alec even though Oscar did what he did and hurt me in a way that's so unimaginable I would never wish anything negative upon him , I've lived my whole life only ever wanting him to succeed and be happy even if it wasn't with me , like you said I've been with him my whole life i was there when his father dipped out on him and his mother was addicted to drugs, he was there when my parents died and I was all alone no matter what we go through and no matter what was said or done he'll still be my soulmate in a way , together we've lived so many lifetimes so if one day I'll suddenly leave this earth I want him to still have a future even if I'm not in it" she finally said even though she probably would never admit gabby never stopped loving Oscar no matter what he put her through and no matter what he's done he'll still be her forever soulmate
There she was awake and alert,she had just woke up not even a hr ago and everybody already was the she was surrounded by all her family and friends the woman didn't even have a chance to speak yet as the doctor continued to check her heart beat
"Everything seems to be okay with her heart rate ,bp rate is good"
Everybody smiling at the doctors words as they start to look back at gabby they seem to look at her likes she's made of glass especially Oscar which isn't surprising
"I'm sorry can I ask you something" everyone including shocked to hear he voice again after going so long without hearing her speak
"Yes Gabriella " basically everybody in the room said simultaneously

"Um who are you guys ? And who is Gabriella"
She asks looking so confused as the words came out her mouth everyone's mouths dropped wide open.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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