she looks awkward in it!

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Gabriella POV:

Alec and I were discussing and drawing up our co designed fashion collection in the kitchen . I don't tut my horn but Alec and i are one of the most saught after upcoming fashion designers . So we decided since we are in freeridge for while we should design for fashion week in nyc . We were offered a spot in new york fashion week and who turns down a spot in new york fashion week . We also used to work for one of the most famous designers in the world Anastasia Carter. So we know how to do a fashion show. We have background's in all fashion styles wedding,grudge , sexy, elegant, Bold . But our specific style was more Bold , sexy , exposed grudge and anything black you know we will kill. So it wasn't surprising ,us together was the dream team cause we understood each others vision . Our boss was super cool about us moving and quitting. We are highly requested , not only for our designs but because apparently we look like models. We've modeled for Calvin Klein , Louis Vuitton  , Chanel , Hermes , dutch etc. We actually made an amazing living , i could move out of free-ridge a dream everyone has but i'm only here for the gang .

The gang was helping abuelita make dinner , when i looked up and saw Ceaser and Monse giving each other googly eyes like nobody can notice I catch them all the time kissing and leaving rooms one by one . Child the sexual tension so thick you can that cut that shit with a knife . I don't know how the rest of the gang didn't notice. Alec snaps me out of my thoughts when he asked

"should we add sheer black or just leave it"

"sorry what , my bad i was thinking about something" i said as he rolled his eyes

"you've been doing that a lot lately, you thinking about Oscar" he said with a smirk as i slapped his arm. I've might have been day dreaming more about Oscar since the whole meeting we had with Ruby but i can't , like he said "his ruca he's move on a long time ago and so should i

"oh stfu" i said with smirk

"ugh you really  hurt me" he says as he fakes a hurt face and puts a hand to his heart, i can't help but roll my eyes at his theatrics


the boys came home from school , as Alec and i was helping abueltia clean since she keeps taking breaks and going down to the basement. She think i forgot but i know her ass be smoking weed all around this damn house , we may or may not have had a smoke sesh or two when she caught me and Oscar smoking in the basement. And of course Ruby starts going in on one his damn speeches , that kids smart but annoying as hell .

"I'm a feminist , i'm woke , i never slut shame . I even have a small collection of Susan b. Anthony silver dollars." he rants , i scoff cause this boy is always talking some non sense. i stop listening when he talks about how he and oliva will be together blah blah his mom should really have a talk with him about this obsession with olivia , it's not healthy . The back door opening brings me out my thoughts when olivia walks in

"hey are you busy , Monse needs help choosing and outfit for the dance tonight" she says

"yeah sure lemme just finish cleaning the kitchen and then i"m all yours" i say.

After finishing , we head on our way to Monse's house , ruby tags along no doubt because he wants to speak to olivia.

Monse has tried on so many outfits but hasn't like a single one . I love Monse but this girl has not an ounce of style . She just looks so awkward in all the dresses. She turns to us and says

"i look dumb" no sis you just won't stand up straight

"nah , you look more awkward than devoid of intellect" ruby says bluntly i couldn't help but bust out laughing at this kid but i guess i was the only one who found that funny cause monse looked confused and oliva elbowed Ruby. I looked at my phone and said

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