Bitch , you better strut on that runway

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Gabriella POV:
After the magical night with Oscar I didn't want to leave him but my flight was at 6am. When we woke up he had got a call from sad eyes and ever since he's been moving funny . When he dropped me and everything off at the airport he gave me a long ass hug and kiss , and knowing Oscar he would never hug me for that long unless something was wrong . Which left me unsettled the whole plane ride .

I had got more sleep on the flight , but I couldn't help but feel something was wrong . I couldn't tell if it was because of our runway show in Fashion week or something back home. As I looked at my phone for the time I saw a Henry our old limo driver .
"Hi Henry , it's been so long " I said as I hugged the last time I saw him was like 2-3 months ago when Alec and I left New York
"Hello love , unfortunately we don't have a lot of catch up time , Alec has instructed me to immediately deliver you to the Manhattan center.And you know how he gets " Henry laughed as he grabbed my bags .

As we arrived I left my bags in the car . Henry will take it to the hotel for me , I rushed out the car thanking Henry and then ran in the center. As I arrived backstage, I saw Alec bossing people around , when he saw me he sighed in relief .
"Finally, no time for a welcoming, we have to fit all the models , get the shoes and accessories together , get all of them to hair and makeup, then we have to fit you in the showstopper and get you to hair and makeup." He gasped as he quickly said everything without breathing
"Okay Alec , first calm down I don't want to have to get your inhaler , second ok we got this I'm going to fit the models and take them to hair and makeup, and then go myself you go pick out the jewelry and shoes .
"Hey we got this love you" I say as I gather all the models. But I look at phone and text Oscar and the gang it's been too long I miss them already .
"Hey papi imu💕"
"Hey kids i miss you guys 💕"
After sending the messages I get a text from Oscar
" hey mi amour imu more , I'm at the beach with Cesar right now so we can talk but we'll be watching your show tonight I promise I love you 💕" I smiled at the message but became unsettled , Why would Oscar take Cesar to the beach ?

OSCAR POV: beach scene
Me and this fool lil spooky was at the beach right now since his stupid wanted to go to school for a math test . This fool so stupid he don't realize this shit life or death . When I got the call from sad eyes last night I was nervous on how I'm going hide this from Gabriella that girl know everything especially when it come to Cesar and I.

"Eleven miles. Might as well be 11 million I can't believe I never come to the beach." Cesar said to me
" I was out here three months ago the night I got out the Corcoran. After four years in a 6 x 8 I needed to see something big. Open. Me" I said remembering the night I got out , the first thing I said to anybody after I got was where was Gabriella. It had been four years , and not a day went by I ain't think about her beautiful ass . When sad eyes told me she had moved to New York to go to fashion school and she was big ass designer now part of me was sad. Cause I realized she had moved on from me but the other part of me was happy cause the love of my life was finally chasing her dreams. I told that girl I don't know how many times to go to fashion school . Yeah I didn't actually want her to go but I knew it was her dream , and I ain't want her to end up like me . As I thought about that night I looked over at Cesar removing the onions out his burger.
"Still don't like onions?" I asked taking the onion and eating it " ever tried a shallot?"
"What's a shallot " I rolled my eyes and laughed
"And you're supposed to be the smart one ."
He raised his shoulder faking an offenses look
" a shallot my genius brother,is a type of onion, a botanical variety of the species Allium cepa"
He looked at me surprised and confused, yeah I know shit I thought to myself
"Who are you?"
" spelling bee champ seventh and eighth grade that's who I am, shit if I wasn't looking after your ass I would've hit that magnet school up in Pasadena" I admitted
" now you're just messing with me"
"De Veras homes , all my teachers Wrote letters for me even the principal told mom I was gifted"
"So why didn't you go ?"
" and leave your ass alone ?"
"But mom and Gabriella was around" I looked at him for min before looking away
" no that wouldn't have been a good idea."
"What do you mean "
"Don't worry about it "
He stared at me for a min
"I'm not a kid anymore."
For a little min I realized it's time he knew
"Mom wasn't always around , when she was around she wasn't really around " I admitted remembering all the times Gabriella and I tried to get her to take pills, she was a drug addict and bipolar she wasn't able to raise Cesar like a real mom should . Cesar just looked around tryna comprehend
" I never knew that ."
" good , then me and Gabriella did our job "
I said realizing at least I did one thing right in his life
"Gabriella she was your mom that girl almost gave up her dream for you just like me . She always wanted what was best for you . If she was here when I came out trust me , you would have not been in the Santos " I laughed knowing damn well that girl would've beat the living shit out of me if I ever dared while she was around. Thinking of her made me mess with my second chain I always wore . It was our engagement ring on a chain after she threw it at me I made sure to keep it .
"You still have that damn ring . "
"Hell yeah fool this shit cost me 4 Gs , one day when I know she would say yes again Im gonna propose again" I laughed and then it went silent again
"Did you tell her ? " I asked him , Sad eyes and I specifically told him to not say shit because that girl would have turned that whole flight around to come back but I know tonight a big opportunity in her career .
"No I know I'm not supposed she would flip all her shit just to be here"he laughed at Gabriella's mother bear protection
" I had plans to ace that magnet school , then go to culinary school."
"My brother , the chef "
"Hey you joke but that shit could've been real , ask Gabriella or Sad eyes"
"Okay so use shallot in a sentence "
"Give me all your shallots , biatch. " I said as we both laughed . If Gabriella knew what I was about to make Cesar do she would for sure never get back together with me but she knows it's life or death hopefully she'll forgive me

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