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Gabriella POV:

It's been a week since I've seen Oscar , to say i'm dodging him was an understatement. I was avoiding his ass like the plague. I've stayed in the house , especially since my cars in the shop i don't need a repeat of last time. It's Halloween and we can't go out because well it's Freeridge. Even though i know the prophets won't do anything to me especially since most of them have the biggest crushes on me especially Latrelle. That boy has it bad almost as bad as Ruby for Olivia , or Jasmine for Ruby. That bitch be bonkers for some Ruby.  The kids and I were going to have a shut in like always since the prophets always roll up on them. Even though i ha a sexy outfit i just wanted to pull out for this one time sake. But wearing that especially with Alec around me , the streets will talk LOUD , especially to Oscar. It's not like i care , if he thinks i have a boyfriend like i don't care . Who was i kidding i cared a lot after that kiss all these emotions for Oscar I've been suppressing has come right back. Ugh why four years it took , for me to forget about him and after one kiss all those feelings come flooding back.

"My parents are out so i set up touch control led lighting , Bordello red " he said as i scrunched my face up in disgust as he said that word ugh why are boys like this.

"and nightmare on elm streets is gonna get olivia a little scared and a little lappy" he says as he drops to the couch

"ruby for love of god stop being such a fucking perv  that's creepy as fuck you know that right?" i shout as i listen to his plan for tonight

"first off i'm one step ahead of you , a little cover in case of wood " he admits as drapes the blanket on his lap . i look at him and put my finger in my mouth to mimic me throwing up to show my disgust

"speaking of wood , brentwood sounds fun " Jamal says out of no where

"brentwood is wonder bread central just a bunch rich privilege white kids but they do be handing out big ass candy bars sometimes even money one year i left that place with laundry bag fulled with candy and $500 !" i said recalling my old Halloween adventure as i got up to make popcorn for me and Alec for the shut in .

When my popcorn finishes i go into the room to get Alec when i catch him smiling at his phone.

"what you smiling at "

"nothing just this guy i meet on grinder" he says still never dropping that smile

"oh really well let me see this guy who is infatuated with my best friend" i say i as i sit on his bed pulling his phone to look at this guy

"ohhh he's cuteee " i say looking at this cute guy

"yeah he wants me to meet him at this party in brentwood but i obviously i can't go alone so " he says raising his eyebrows bumping into my shoulder

"yeah sure lets go , i have a bunny costume i've been dying to pull out the closet"  i say walking out to the gang in the living room.

"i vote brentwood , it's safe rich and Gabriella even said they hand out money."Jamal says trying to convince his friends

"you guys should come , me and alec have to cancel on shut in since we are going to a party in brentwood ." i say trying to help Jamal out .

Everyone ends up agreeing against Ruby's wishes. I head into my room and change into my costume .

 I head into my room and change into my costume

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Freeridge love story (Oscar Diaz )Where stories live. Discover now