Part 1: Plot

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The great war started before I was even created. I came to life because Cybertron had a mission for me. The planet was dying, and it wanted its race to survive. So, it created me. How do I know that? The planet told me itself. I was different from other transformers. I had a knowledge of the first transformers that stood on this planet. I was a femme of pink and white colors with big, beautiful wings that glowed in purple and blue colors. I was built as a fighter, but I never used my powers before. I never had to.

I was created for a purpose. To try to save transformers race. I walked between Autobots and Decepticons without being noticed. I saw two sides of them. Autobots were fighting for freedom and peace, but Decepticons were fighting for power and glory. Cybertron gave me a decision. Help one race or none. The decision of helping Autobots was easy but there was something that both sides could not see.

Walking between the ruins of the buildings that got destroyed by the battle I kept my guard up for anybody. I have been following two robots for some time now. One was an Autobot of white color with green and red stripes on him. I knew that he was an Autoboth because of the red sign on his chest. But the other one was a scavenger of yellow and black colors. They were in a search for Energon. I do not know why but something was telling me that I needed to follow them. I kept my distance and I kept as quiet as I possible. Just then an Autobot stumbled upon the ruins making a sound. Scavenger quickly looked at him.

Autobot: ''Sorry I...''

Scavenger: ''Shhh.''

An engine wiring was heard not so far away from them. A Decepticon came and transformed into his robot form. The moment he hit the ground Autobot, and scavenger hide behind the pile of ruins. I quickly went down as well trying not to make a sound as the Decepticon scanner came just above my head. The scanner went around for a bit but soon Decepticon gave up and changed into his plane mode. As he flew away scavenger and Autobot came out of their hiding spot.

Scavenger: ''You know how I survive out here? I don't make noise, and I don't draw attention to myself.''

He said looking at the Autoboth on his right.

Autoboth: ''Sorry about that.''

Scavenger: ''It's called stealth try using it before I regret bringing you here.''

He said as he began to walk. Autoboth looked after him.

Autoboth: ''Autobots ain't paying you for attitude. We're paying you to find Energon.''

Said Autoboth as he continues following the scavenger. The Energon was the thing that kept all of us going. Because there was so little of it left, because of the war I had trouble finding it. If the war would never start, there would still be enough for everybody. But every machine or weapon that was created from each side there went a lot of Energon. I followed the two transformers to the big doors when they stopped.

Autoboth: ''I ain't a big fan of dead ends, kid.''

He said pointing a gun at him. The scavenger chuckled.

Scavenger: ''Then you'll be really happy when I activate this hiding hatch, kid.''

The scavenger placed his hands on the doors just a little down from where he was standing. The doors began to open and the scavenger steps into the room first. As both of them were far in the room I quickly step in as well before the doors closed behind me. I took cover behind a pillar on my left. Looking around the room I saw a lot of Energon pipes that were still filled with blue liquid.

Autoboth: ''Well... polish my tailpipe! You weren't lying after all. This will keep the Autobots in the fight for a few cycles... at least.''

He said as he looked around. But after following his gaze at the scavenger my mouth drop open. At the end of the room next to the ruins that followed out, there was a Spacebridge. Spacebridge was a portal that took you anywhere you wanted. It could take you to another planet of course if there was another end of the bridge. Transformers back in the day used it all the time. I read that in a library that wasn't destroyed by the war.

Autobot: ''This was a Spacebridge?''

The scavenger nodded with his head.

Autobot: ''Oh, yeah! I miss these beautiful beasts. You ever go off-world through one?''

Scavenger: ''Mm, yeah. I used to go racing on Velcitron all the time before the Decepticons destroyed 'em all.''

Autobot went to a control system and began to look around it.

Scavenger: ''You wanted me to find Energon, so I've led you to some Energon. We should collect it and go.''

He said and just then Autobot began typing on the control system. Spacebridge began to turn on making noise. Scavenger quickly ren up to the Autobot who was amazed that the Spacebridge.

Scavenger: ''Are you crazy!? Those Seekers will be all over us!''

Autoboth pushed him back.

Autoboth: ''This could change everything. I have to tell Prime.''

My optics got big.

Me: ''Prime?''

Both Autobot and scavenger turned their heads towards my way as they heard my voice. I quickly went down.

Autobot: ''Who is there?''

Scavenger: ''Decepticons?''

If they really know where Prime is I needed to trust them so I could talk to him. I slowly stood up and went around the pillar. Both were having their guns out but the moment they saw me they just stood there with their optics whide open. I took a few steps towards them with my hands up.

Scavenger: ''Who are you?''

Me: ''I am not here for troubles.''

I said as I placed my hands down slowly.

Me: ''I need to talk to Prime.''

Autobot: ''On who's side are you?''

Voice: ''That's a question I would like to know.''

Said the voice behind me. Making me look back I saw that we were sounded by Decepticons. A tall Decepticon of white and red approached me.

Decepticon: ''Who are you?'' 

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