Part 10: Here To Join

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Optimus: "Magnus...not you, not now."

Elita: "Optimus...what's happened?"

Optimus: "The Alpha Trion protocoals have activated."

Elita: "The what?"

Optimus: "This can only mean one thing. Ultra Magnus is dead."

Elita: "No."

Turning around I left the room. Coming down the hallway I placed my hand on the wall that was in front of me. Magnus...why?

Ultra Magnus: "I trust you Cyber."

Me: "Why?"

Ultra Magnus: "Because...I remember you. From so long ago."

He knew what he was getting into. No matter what I said he didn't change his mind.

Ultra Magnus: "With you by our side, I know that we have a chance of winning."

Me: "You were wrong Magnus. So wrong."

Hearing the doors behind me opening I turned around. Ratchet, Mirage, Impactor, Chromia, and Cliffjumper came out of the room. Impactor nodded towards me as he walked past me together with Ratchet. They are going to the Spacebridge. Soon Optimus came out of the room as well. He stopped as our optics met but as I looked away he turned and left to the other way.

Optimises's POV

Me: "Guardians! It's...It's Optimus Prime. I come with unfortunate news. Ultra Magnus was killed by Megatron. With his dead, I hoped that the Alpha Trion Protocols would have transmitted to one of you here."

Threw the fog that was surrounding the place I could see them slowly approaching me.

Guardian: "Hmmm..."

Me: "It is also my hope that now you will become involved."

Guardian: "The Ahlpa Trion Protocals have not traveled here."

Me: "Megatron seeks the Allspark and will use it to reformat all non-Decepticon life on this planet."

Guardian: "As you know, we will not become involved in a skirmish between two factions."

I changed my fists together.

Me: "Do you understand what is at stake? We need your help!"

The foug around them became stronger and soon they disappeared from my sight. A sight left my mouth.

Me: "What is the point of the Guardians if you do not guard the planet? I will protect Cybertron without you."

I turned around and began to walk. But soon I stopped myself as I looked back.

Me: "Till all are one."

Leaving the sanctuary I transformed myself back into my vehicle form and began to drive away. Coming back to the base I made my way to the main control room when I saw Cyber. She was still standing in the same way as she was when I left. As I approached her she looked at me.

Me: "Are you okay?"

Cyber: "Not really. Magnus didn't deserve to die like this."

Me: "Yes. His sacrifice will never be forgotten."

Cyber: "Did you talk to them?"

Me: "They heard my words, but they will not help."

I said as I looked away from her optics.

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