Part 7: Trying To Help

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I flew high into the sky and began to shoot back at the Decepticons who were shooting at the Autobots. For some reason, they weren't shooting at me. I needed to get to Cog who was hurt but I couldn't see him or Chromia who was with him. Just then I saw Mirage being pushed down by Decepticon who began to brutally beat him up. With full force, I began to fly toward them and the moment I came close enough I kicked the Decepticon off Mirage. 

Me: ''Come on.'' 

I helped him on his legs then I flew back into the sky and began to look for Chromia again. But now I couldn't see a thing because of the grey smoke all around. Red lasers flew past me and as I looked to my right I saw a Decepticon ship flying toward me. 

Voice: ''Do not shoot her!!!!'' 

I pointed my gun at him but before I could shoot the Decepticon was shot down by someone from the ground. Through the smoke, I could see Optimus and he was the one that shoot him. I flew down to him and just as I landed next to him a big building fell on top of some Decepticons next to us. 

Optimus: ''Come on we need to find others.'' 

Me: ''Right behind you.'' 

Soon we found others and with Hound's help, we placed Cog on top of Optimus who was in his vehicle form. Then we quickly returned to the Ark. Cog was really hurt and half of his chest was missing because of it. Ciffjumper and Chromis took him to the medic and I followed Optimus, Hound, and Elita to Wheeljack. 

Wheeljack: ''Everyone okay?'' 

Elita: ''We suffered casualties.'' 

Hound: ''No Allsparkk. It was a trap.'' 

Elita: ''And we walked right into it.'' 

Wheeljack: ''I heard something about a big cube of Energon. Tell me you at least brought that back.'' 

I shooked my head. 

Wheeljack: ''Scrap.'' 

Elita: ''Optimus, we're gonna need time to recover from this.'' 

Optimus: ''Wheeljack,  any luck finding the actual Allspark?'' 

Wheeljack: ''Optimus, the Energon it takes will start affecting our ability to stay cloaked.'' 

Optimus: ''Unfortunate, but necessary.'' 

Elita turned her body towards him with anger. 

Elita: ''No, Optimus! You heard him. We don't have the resources!'' 

Optimus: ''Keep searching.'' 

With that, he turned around and walked past me. I looked at the others before I followed him so I could talk to him. 

Me: ''Optimus, can we talk?'' 

I asked him making him stop and look back at me. He nodded and we stepped into the main room. 

Me: ''This wasn't your fault.'' 

I said as I looked at him. He was standing in front of the monitor. I knew that he was blaming himself for Cog's injury but this wasn't his fault. 

Me: ''I know that I'm not the second in command to know your plans but I am wondering. Do you have a plan?'' 

Optimus: ''If Megatron finds the Allspark, he'll control the entire planet. What if the Allspark was no longer on Cybertron?'' 

Me: ''What do you mean?'' 

He turned his body towards me. 

Optimus: ''We find the Allspark and we take it off Cybertron.'' 

A sigh left me as I looked down at the ground. 

Me: ''Remove the Allspark and Cybertron dies.'' 

Optimus: ''We will not let that happen.'' 

Me: ''But Cybertron is dying.'' 

I looked back at him. 

Me: ''If the war doesn't stop the whole planet will die.'' 

Elita: ''How can you say that?'' 

I looked back to see Elita standing at the doors with shock written in her eyes. Wheeljack was standing next to her. 

Me: ''It's the truth.'' 

Elita: ''But what do you know? You know nothing of the war. Your body doesn't have any scars which means you haven't seen any real battles up close to experience the pain we go true every day.'' 

Optimus: ''Elita enought.'' 

Elita: ''Optimus you are so caught up on what if and not. If we find the Allspark, how in the name of Primus do we get it off Cybertron? Even if we had enough Energon to launch the Ark, the Decepticons would shoot us out of the sky!'' 

Me: ''Unless we don't give them a chance.'' 

I turned to look at Wheeljack. 

Elita: ''What are you talking about?'' 

Me: ''There is a Spacebridge. We can try to repair it.'' 

Wheeljack: ''You are right! I know someone who can repair it.'' 

He said as he stepped forwards. I looked back at Optimus waiting on his decision. I didn't want to come between his and Elita's decisions. I only wanted to help them survive this war. If they get the Allspark there is a change. 

Optimus: ''Good plan Cyber. If we can repair Spacebridge, there will be a way that we can get off this planet.'' 

Wheeljack stepped behind the computer and Optimus turned towards him. I could feel Elita looking at me so I looked back at her. 

Me: ''Please understand that I'm only trying to help you guys.'' 

Elita: ''This is desperation.'' 

A few hours later...

I was next to Chromia looking directly at Mirage who was using his hologram form disguised as Decepticon. 4 Decepticons were standing around him as he was trying to get their attention. 

Me: ''How long does his disguise work?'' 

Chromia: ''Not long.'' 

Just then his disguise began to fail, making Decepticons around him point guns at him. Chromia shot a Decepticon in red colors in the back. I shoot toward them hitting the ground making them run behind the cover. 

Optimus: ''Autobots, forwards!'' 

Optimus attacked and all of us followed him. As all 4 Decepticons were down we came together. 

Me: ''You okay?'' 

I asked and Mirage nodded. 

Mirage: ''Never better.'' 

Elita: ''We need to move, now.'' 

We began to move but just then I noticed that Mirage wasn't following us. I looked back to see him looking at the dead Autobots that were here long before we came.  

Me: ''I'm sorry but there is no way I can bring them back.'' 

Mirage: ''I know.'' 

Me: ''Come on.'' 

Soon we came to the old building that was surprisingly still standing. 

Me: ''What is this place?'' 

Mirage: ''It used to be a theater.'' 

Elita: ''It's hard to remember Cybertron that celebrated arts and music.'' 

Optimus: ''That is the Cybertron we fight for.'' 

Voice: ''Is it Prime?'' 

We stopped walking and looked forwards where we saw a transformer stepping out of the darkness. It was an Autobot. 

Transformer: ''That Cybertron is long gone...because of you.'' 

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